I have been on the fence about it but I have decided that I am going. Was hoping to talk a couple of friends into driving a couple of my cars so I could take my three CBodies but... and, CBody lovers seem to be few and far between. I had a nice time and I don't care for glory so I am going to roll in my 1972 Fury Sedan double-pickle... she's not a showcar but I love her because I saved her from either the junkyard or the derby... It's funny...when I take a CBody to any show, nobody seems to care. But when I am driving doing errands, we get lots of comments and thumbs up!.... so anyhow, I met maybe one or two guys off the forum last time and I am wondering who is going and what are ya bringin'? Also, I think I am just doing Saturday. Is there a compelling reason to go Sunday also? To me it's a hotel night and giving up a precious Sunday...