Well-Known Member
Tomorrow is Valentines Day. You know your Valentine better than I do so do what you want. I have a couple suggestions from a woman's point of view. Really, my point of view. If you always bring home roses....think about something different. You can always tell her that Roses are common on this day but you wanted something special, something that comes from the heart and is different because she is not common. That's what you love about her. Other advice...cook HER a meal. Her favorite meal. Restaurants are great but if you cook and clean up your mess. That's a plus. If your Valentine is a home all the time...take her out by all means. Nothing like getting out of the house. Here comes the out of norm stuff. Nothing feels better than a back rub, especially if you bought some special lotion. Foot rubs are good. For Gods sake, if you can get greasy working on you car...a foot is not a problem. My hubby bought some stuff that sloothed (what ever its called to remove dead skin) then lotioned them up. I never loved him so much as I did that night. Being a feet always hurt. Sooo, moving on. Dancing. Never hurts to dance with your Valentine on this special day. Now, the sensitive part. Sex...yes, I said it. It's great but sometimes things get in the way...hugging, cuddle, those sweet kisses that lead to no where are important. Oh and don't forget the never can go wrong with that...but means more when given on a normal day...when it's not expected. To you young ones out there...go for it...make it memorable. It's the memories that keep us young. Have a good day tomorrow...and just love the one you love. No matter how you do it...make the person that is sharing your life feel special.