My sweet Valentine


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2012
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Leavenworth, Kansas
Tomorrow is Valentines Day. You know your Valentine better than I do so do what you want. I have a couple suggestions from a woman's point of view. Really, my point of view. If you always bring home roses....think about something different. You can always tell her that Roses are common on this day but you wanted something special, something that comes from the heart and is different because she is not common. That's what you love about her. Other advice...cook HER a meal. Her favorite meal. Restaurants are great but if you cook and clean up your mess. That's a plus. If your Valentine is a home all the time...take her out by all means. Nothing like getting out of the house. Here comes the out of norm stuff. Nothing feels better than a back rub, especially if you bought some special lotion. Foot rubs are good. For Gods sake, if you can get greasy working on you car...a foot is not a problem. My hubby bought some stuff that sloothed (what ever its called to remove dead skin) then lotioned them up. I never loved him so much as I did that night. Being a feet always hurt. Sooo, moving on. Dancing. Never hurts to dance with your Valentine on this special day. Now, the sensitive part. Sex...yes, I said it. It's great but sometimes things get in the way...hugging, cuddle, those sweet kisses that lead to no where are important. Oh and don't forget the never can go wrong with that...but means more when given on a normal day...when it's not expected. To you young ones out there...go for it...make it memorable. It's the memories that keep us young. Have a good day tomorrow...and just love the one you love. No matter how you do it...make the person that is sharing your life feel special.
I like the sex part the most, lol...BUT I do have a little something planned out for my wife tomorrow. She's a keeper, smart, sexy, soft and sweet. I used up any good luck I had on finding her.
That is great insite from a womans point of view Marian ..... thanks.

But don't forget that Valentines day is a time for the girls to do something special for your man too.

We are not so complicated........

Just show up naked ....... & ........ bring beer.
Tomorrow, I will take my wife out to dinner, and have her children meet us there as a surprise. She loves to spend time with the family.
I like the sex part the most, lol...BUT I do have a little something planned out for my wife tomorrow. She's a keeper, smart, sexy, soft and sweet. I used up any good luck I had on finding her.
I hope you tell her everything you just said. :)
That is great insite from a womans point of view Marian ..... thanks.

But don't forget that Valentines day is a time for the girls to do something special for your man too.

We are not so complicated........

Just show up naked ....... & ........ bring beer.

<laugh> I'll keep that in mind but it will be Jamison...not beer
I want to say something for those who do not have a Valentine either by loss or choice. If it is by heart goes out to you. My mom spent 20 years mourning my father. She was right to do so, as he was the most wonderful husband/father. As soon as she walked in the door...he gave her a kiss. She would go to bed around 10pm and she would yell...Ralph...Ralph, I'm in bed. He would go in the bedroom, give her a kiss and then go back to the living room to watch the news. To me that's more romantic than anything and for those who don't have those "Ralph" moments any longer...remember what you did have and one day we shall all meet again. xoxoxo
Tomorrow is Valentines Day. You know your Valentine better than I do so do what you want. I have a couple suggestions from a woman's point of view. Really, my point of view. If you always bring home roses....think about something different. You can always tell her that Roses are common on this day but you wanted something special, something that comes from the heart and is different because she is not common. That's what you love about her. Other advice...cook HER a meal. Her favorite meal. Restaurants are great but if you cook and clean up your mess. That's a plus. If your Valentine is a home all the time...take her out by all means. Nothing like getting out of the house. Here comes the out of norm stuff. Nothing feels better than a back rub, especially if you bought some special lotion. Foot rubs are good. For Gods sake, if you can get greasy working on you car...a foot is not a problem. My hubby bought some stuff that sloothed (what ever its called to remove dead skin) then lotioned them up. I never loved him so much as I did that night. Being a feet always hurt. Sooo, moving on. Dancing. Never hurts to dance with your Valentine on this special day. Now, the sensitive part. Sex...yes, I said it. It's great but sometimes things get in the way...hugging, cuddle, those sweet kisses that lead to no where are important. Oh and don't forget the never can go wrong with that...but means more when given on a normal day...when it's not expected. To you young ones out there...go for it...make it memorable. It's the memories that keep us young. Have a good day tomorrow...and just love the one you love. No matter how you do it...make the person that is sharing your life feel special.

I'm not a fan of these kind of days, invented by companies to sell their stuff to people with a bad conscience.
I do all the things you've enumerated in small pieces all around the year.

Same with mothers or fathers day...

I treat my loved ones all year long, as if every day is Valentine's Day (mothers or fathers day, ...).
I'm not a fan of these kind of days, invented by companies to sell their stuff to people with a bad conscience.
I do all the things you've enumerated in small pieces all around the year.

Same with mothers or fathers day...

I treat my loved ones all year long, as if every day is Valentine's Day (mothers or fathers day, ...).
you've definitely got a point there. It seems like every year commercials for "hurry up and buy flowers, or jewelry, or candy before valentines day comes" get more numerous, louder, and more urgent as the previous year.
Nothing wrong with getting a loved one something but they would have you think the world will end if you don't. Sell, sell, sell.
Capitalism at its finest make a demand, hype it, sell to it. So buck the system follow Marian's advice and get your hands greasy on you valentines feet you can't go wrong with that thanks Marian for the different prospective on that, I'm going to use that one.
Marian, all of the sudden a carburater isn't good enough???
My wife and I alwayz play ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORZ on those special dayz plus ah bunch of extra dayz through out the year. The winner getz to chose? WELL?, The winner really winz and their are no looserz! NUFF SAID, Jer
I don't drink but..........I saw the humor in this.

My wife and I alwayz play ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORZ on those special dayz plus ah bunch of extra dayz through out the year. The winner getz to chose? WELL?, The winner really winz and their are no looserz! NUFF SAID, Jer

I really like this idea. Thanks!!
I'm so lucky with the wife I have now. After 15 years we still kiss each other good morning and good by when we got to work. We still hold hands as we fall asleep. She will do anything to help my family, not like my first wife. I just think we are meant to be together. No, it,s not the pain meds
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So much for that romantic fire that I had it's plan B.