Mysterious yellow box in my imperial.....

I don't use cruise much myself and I drive a lot. Maybe on a long trip on a nice day, but that's it. I don't like not being able to just lift off the pedal and straightening the car out if something bad happens.

They started doing public service announcements for the dumb asses that use the cruise on rainy even snowy roads... Geesh....

I do use a backup camera in my Ford Excursion. I can't turn my head right more than 45° and the backup camera makes it a LOT easier.

Oh... and isn't "cruise control" a GM term??

I use it so much that I have become highly proficient & I know that in a panic situation I would be no worse off with my cruise on. I hold the steering wheel with my middle finger on the cruise controls. One click & I'm coasting. And, since I'm a left foot braker, I'm in brake cover position in any situation even remotely approaching precarious.