How reliable are resurfaced drums? I ask because I have these probably original drums on this '68, and would love to keep them IFF they can be SAFELY and RELIABLY resurfaced when needed. I need to get some good calipers on them to check their current state, to be sure. The former owner/flipper apparently hired some brake shop to replace the old cylinders, shoes, brake hardware,all the rubber hoses, and the master cylinder with a NAPA rebuilt one. The cylinders and shoes all are clearly chinesium crap, though for the moment in a new state, and working reasonably well, though NOT so well as Mathilda's brakes, with NOS shoes and hardware, and NEW, properly dressed drums!
So the matter of good drums weighs on my mind every time I put my foot on the brake pedal. Things work MUCH better after I replaced the master with the new, admittedly chinese made Bendix clone on a manual brakes bracket with proper pedal, but I still plan to replace the wheel cylinders and shoes after this current setup wears down. If I need drums for now, I can use the nice front drums off Mathilda, and likely the shoes too, or break into the little stash I've horded up this past couple years.
If you know of any good resurfacing shop(s), it would be good to have such data too. I suppose I can search, but I've noticed that nowadaze, Google NO LONGER CAN BE TRUSTED, as the advertising $$ has besotted their owners and certainly the scum CEO! Thank God there still are some objective UNIX servers out there with Archie, Veronica and Jughead running, as those venerable search engines still work objectively, to a far greater extent than the Big Corporate ***** anyway.