Thank you, the highlight of that statement was really evident when I was vehicle shopping in 08... I knew I was buying used, but hadn't determined much other than we needed a truck or SUV. Viv's printing enterprise needed a delivery vehicle every once in a while, so the pickup with a cap option didn't seem water tight enough. Looking at approximately 7 to 10 year old options was a real eye opener, fuel economy wise. I went by published ratings, knowing they would be optimistic, and settled on the suburban due to it's useful flexibility (4x8 sheet hauling became a requirement at the end of the search), cost of ownership (10 year old auto repairs, not many have parts as cheap) and fuel economy. To save 1 or 2 MPG to drive a tiny SUV or P/U is just crazy to me. I was astounded by how bad the fuel economy was on so many small footprint SUV's... because they weren't sold in a time when that was a primary consumer concern (for those models)... A Ridgeline should not get essentially the same fuel economy as my 1/2 ton 'burb.
Sorry Carmine, even if I knew about Mexican Ramchargers... they won't haul full sheets of drywall while closed up.