furyus 67
Senior Member
Whats the deal with the new crew on gyc? Did Mark run his son in law and Darren off?
YaY !!!
View attachment 48838
I like the sound of this and the show has been getting better every year.
Looks like their will still be some turmoil .. hopefully enough to keep non-hard core mopar people tuned in to keep the show alive
I see no Darren in sight LOL
View attachment 48839
:laughing4: agreed!!I didn't like Darren......whinny *****!
His son-in-law Josh probably disowned and works at Pep Boys now.
That little blurp about un-muting your tv is bluntly honest. Glad they can recognize their faults. I'm sure Darren and Josh still work there, glad they are not a focus of the show. The dude on the left looks familiar...
"The way they left the factory floor", something FCBO members can appreciate.
I don't understand the crew change.
Changes my perspective all together on the business itself.
Is it a serious business or the type of business we see a creation soley for the show.
If so, my opinion of the business just dropped somewhat.