New garage for the C's..

Nice garage Leah. Just in time before winter arrives.
You know, it'll be just a matter of time before you're telling yourself you need a bigger garage.:p
Eventually will paint it.
With winter approaching priority is clean and winterize the C's.
Plus all the contents from the shed outa the basement and into garage.
Just a suggestion... Go rent a airless sprayer and paint it while it's empty. It will be much easier and maybe take an afternoon.
Been busy as of late so time for an update.
Got all the cars inside a few weeks ago.
Thry all got washed and Grace I did a clay bar and wax.
For schuts and giggles I can fit 5 cars inside.
when we can afford a hoist we can squeeze more in there!


The asphalt driveway was over 50 years old and got destroyed by trucks and other heavy equipment during contruction.
We knew going into this that it would not hold up.
We were very happy with our contractor and we
hired them again to do our driveway in concrete.
They installed a drain in front of the garage as well.



Old driveway was a single lane and flat where water would run into the driveway. We used to park a small car on the grass.
New driveway has an official extra parking space making a clear road to garage.
Also has a slope down to the more flooding.
Also can park 2 cars side by side in front of garage doors.


So the first yob to do in the new garage ..
Put on winter tires on the daily grinders..
For the time being, until we get a hoist, Grace will have to move in and out so I have elbow room to service the others.


First official " repair"! Lol!
Not a C body but yes it is a C lol!!
New front brakes and install snows on my Hemi winter beater.
6 years and 90,000 km's took it to metal on metal.




First "casualty" ....
My beloved swivel ratchet that I have had for 30ish years broke on the rust/siezed caliper bracket bolts.
This was my go to ratchet and travelled with me in all three C bodies on their road trips and car shows.

The garage, driveway and all look fantastic. Very spacious and should be a pleasure to store the cars and work on them. I would probably cover the cars with car covers, or like i do - in bed sheets. Keeps the dust off them, and the material is very breathable, also doesnt scratch the paint. Very cheap as well ;)

Everything looks great!
We have a similar drain at the end of the apron to collect the water from the apron and the driveway. This drain is tied into a 6” pipe that runs around the garage to the west and also receives the water from the rain gutters on the garage.

We can’t afford to pave the driveway with anything except Sioux Falls crushed red quartzite as it’s over 1000 feet (0.2 miles) long!
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