New rims/tires on my 1968 NewYorker

I bought the car with the chrome 18" rims in the pix above. I've not driven the car with the new wheels but I wouldn't expect much difference if any

Oops missed that post.

I keep looking at your wheels, I think they are the best looking 17s I've seen on a c-body. I have not been happy with how my steel magnum 500s have been holding up.
Nice! I put a set of 17x7 American Racing VN501s on my Sport Fury last spring and have been very, very pleased with them. They look great and I think they are very affordable. Congratulations on what I think are a gorgeous set of wheels!
new pix with front-end lowered

Thanks - I will be buying a set for one of my cars in the near future. Nice to see them on C Body so I can see what they will look like.

The only knock against these wheels is that they are not OEM, so they are not for the purist. I apologize for not paying more attention to the light when taking these pictures, but you can see these wheels fit our big C bodies nicely and I think they do a nice job of keeping the look of the original Magnum 500s.

68 Sport Fury 09-23-17 1.JPG

68 Sport Fury 09-23-17 3.JPG