New to me 67 Fury VIP, few issues...

Thanks for that info. Sorry I'm sure you guys have fielded these new guy questions ad nauseam...
So now that the fuel leak is fixed, I have a carb rebuild kit on the way, as well as the trans selector shaft seal + tool. I'll knock the seal out this weekend, rebuild the carb next week and try to sort the choke, and that's about it. (yeah right).

Picked up a Weiand 7501 4bbl aluminum intake from another member here, so I can start piecing together some upgrades for next summer.
Awesome, thanks a ton. Few questions:

-Where should the blue wire connect?
-Where should the EGR valve connect?
-What's the proper way to set the choke for cold start. Is the choke automatic in this car, or do you have to floor the throttle before starting to set it?

Ignition 12v
To manifold vacuum I believe but they usually run through a thermal switch.
Usually a 1/2 throttle pump or two will set it and give enough gas to start it.
Confirmed egg-shaped damper on the 400. I'll try to pull that front cover off the trans when I'm under there replacing the selector shaft seal.
The leak is coming from the front of the tank near the differential. I replaced a broken vent hose, and will fill the car up at lunch today to verify the fix.

*edit* Just got back from lunch and the new vent hose seems to have fixed the fuel leak.

Good. I just discovered this thread and was worried it might be the top of the fuel tank rusted out as I was reading along.
Actually after being under the car, the tank appears to be in fairly good order. Also first old car I've ever owned that had a speedometer that was dead nuts accurate. Can't wait to fill up next time and figure out what my fuel economy is, LOL. Considering this is replacing a big block one ton pickup that got 10mpg no matter what you were doing, it can't get much worse.