I don't want to P.O. another member but that was the most insane comment I have ever seen posted.
Sorry to hit a nerve. Some people are very touchy. It is tedious to qualify every statement and nobody would bother to read a fully qualified discourse, but I try below.
The design of A-bodies and C-bodies is very similar. Once you have worked on the front suspension of one, the other is almost identical. Of course most suspension parts don't interchange because everything on a C-body is bigger. But even A-bodies parts vary among themselves depending on the year (pre or post 1972), whether you have 9" or 10" brakes, etc.
Of course body parts vary, but that is also true between a Dart, Demon, or Barracuda, a 2 door or 4 door, even a 2 door hardtop and 2 door post model. Ditto for all the C-body styles. Of course a Dodge or Plymouth C-body is pretty close to a Chrysler C-body of the same year. Those are mostly branding differences (look up what "brand" means).
Parts that often interchange between A-body and C-body include engines and accessories, switches, lamps, door handles, and such. Both my 65 Dart and Newport have a cable-shift transmission, which you won't find in later years, though they don't interchange since one is for small-block and the other big-block. When you try to interchange parts, it is can be very tricky unless you stick with the same model, year, body style, and engine. However, we usually must to since parts are getting rare, especially C-body. For common parts,
www.rockauto.com is a good source to verify what works on various models.