Newport/300 window?


New Member
Oct 19, 2016
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Lincoln, ne
I put a 66 newport drivers window in my 300 shouldnt that fit exactly? this thing doesnt fit right, close but just a little off on the shape. Also wheres a good place to get a new gas tank? any suggestions found a place called spectra that may have one.
No 66 tank is available new. Check out my thread on my 300. (C body Bobs 300 ) by Wollfen. Gary was able to clean mine out using white vineager over a few weeks. Carefully soaking sections at a time. Then he sealed it. It was pretty bad too. Save you a lot of money
Different rooflines on the 300 Sport versus the Newport/Windsor/Canadian 300

Sorry I don’t have a good profile of both of mine to show
8DB3D676-0EE4-413A-B9B9-D701763FA403.jpeg this one seems very similar to mine except the ridges are running the oposite direction. How close is the 67 to the 66. Could i make this work and fit close.
Spectra is a Canadian Company that has a long history of making fuel tanks among other things. The CR20B is best suited for Fuseys but is often listed as working for slabs. There are several threads on this site with information on which tanks will work with modification. Rockauto sells them the cheapest in my experience.

Gas Tank