NOT MINE NICE 72 T&C - B.A.T No reserve

Very very nice wagon with a Vinyl top! This was a members old wagon I believe. @glennb49 if I am not mistaken.
I agree that CP45M2C170185 must be @glennb49 's car of many years, which he sold quite some time ago. Love the rare wagon vinyl top and the woodgrain paint that Glenn and his wife conceived for this car.

PS: @fury fan and @SportFury70 will be either dismayed or reassured that I beat you to this conclusion! :p

PPS: thank you for posting it here, because my own post was made in an old thread that few people are likely to dig out.
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Close-up pics suggest the graining might've been done with brush-strokes and then gotten a satin-ish clearcoat?
If so, I admire the ingenuity and talent of whomever did that work.
Proves the adage 'there's only 1 way to do it and that's the right way' is short-sighted.

... that I beat you to this conclusion! :p...
Are you all caught up with your work now? Or just on a smoke break? :poke:
Not bad....

Close-up pics suggest the graining might've been done with brush-strokes and then gotten a satin-ish clearcoat?
If so, I admire the ingenuity and talent of whomever did that work.
Proves the adage 'there's only 1 way to do it and that's the right way' is short-sighted.

Are you all caught up with your work now? Or just on a smoke break? :poke:
Yes, he "painted on" the woodgrain. I did the same thing when I restored my 77 T&C. Far superior to the shrinky, fadey decals. This is an added bonus selling point for this car in my opinion.
Close-up pics suggest the graining might've been done with brush-strokes and then gotten a satin-ish clearcoat?

Are you all caught up with your work now? Or just on a smoke break? :poke:
Coffee break. Enough time, though, to point you to the thread to which I had linked in my first post above, where @glennb49 describes the painting process. No suggestions needed :poke:. Here’s the link (again :p):

Hi guys, Yes thatyt is my old 72 Town + Country. Yes kathy did the wood graining free styl in about an hour!! She is a artist!! She picked a nice cafshit yellow for the base color then did the graining in a brown. The cafshit yellow remelted when she applied the brown giving it the very nice wood grain look. I then cleared it. All the paints used were DuPont base clear Centarie. this was done in about 2002 and its still looking good!! Im all most tempted to bid on it! My 94 Roadmaster has taken over the 72's trailer towing duties but does not garner near as much attention in the camp ground!


The 72 served as our trailer tow vehicle from 2002-2017 got about 7MPG with or with out pulling the camper! The Roadmaster gets about 12 pulling the caper and Kathy really likes working air and no breakdowns enrout, That was the adventure fun part!!



The center picture was taken by the new owner shoertly after he bought it down in Chicago in 2017.Looks like same location as current pictures. I forgot to take my collector plates off!!
Look what showed up next to my driveway.
It's a new Town and Country living in my town and driving around the country here.
CP45M2C170185 b.jpg
CP45M2C170185 a.jpg
Not mine.
I was hoping the folks would join already.
Maybe another day.

They purchased it from BAT and have it down the road from me.