nice car....

So your mother should have gotten the Plaque. ;)
I don't think the war has ended with this mother & son....:surrender2:??????
The less that sellers are true car guys, the more they emphasize the stuff that doesn't mean crap.
Remarkable in that it looks like that not even so much as a nut and a bolt needs to be tracked down.

I don't think that is a residential.
Looks more like a dentist's office.

Having grown up in that area, that looks to me like a residential house and not a dentist's office. Lots of mid-century modern in PV. Looks a lot like where my best friend grew up. It's not, because it's not up on the hill, but real similar in style.

That's a really nice car but I absolutely love that house!

I'm partial to Craftsman-style (I'm guessing Stan will agree, since he's got Stickley in his house) but that style is a close second.

Man that's cool

love the beach shot from the interior


Good old Rat Beach. I say "good old" even though it's a crappy beach. Not much surf, and the high cliff meant people didn't hang out on it like they did up in Hermosa or Manhattan. But that's a neat shot with the Palos Verdes peninsula through the window.

These pictures are taken just off the Esplanade, which is a street running along the bluff over the ocean. We used to go cruise there on weekend nights, hang out, and figure out which parties to go to.

Ahh. High school.