Old Man with a Hat
the dog.looks.like he's say how the f did I.get here.A member of the U.S. Navy Seals descends from the scoreboard with his dog prior to Arizona Dallas Game today...
the dog.looks.like he's say how the f did I.get here.A member of the U.S. Navy Seals descends from the scoreboard with his dog prior to Arizona Dallas Game today...
the dog.looks.like he's say how the f did I.get here.
No doubt!He likes it! LOL!
Probably has done it hundreds of times.
This is two year old Rolene. . She is a Black-mouth Cur, and a tornado rescue dog. If you remember Old Yeller, the dog in the movie was also a Black-mouth Cur. She is an amazing dog! She will howl when I, or any of the family, walk in the door. She is a great coon dog, and like to chase other varmints, too. She's great with our three cats, and is a very protective watchdog. Rolene came into my life about six weeks after I lost Gigi. I was not expecting another dog so soon after losing Gigi, but Rolene proved to be such an adorable little *****! She loves to ride in the car. She also like to watch Too Cute, that cool puppy show on Animal Planet. Her bobbed tail comes naturally. Curs are related to Corgis and greyhounds!
Thanks! Before I got Rolene, I had sooo much stress going on from losing Gigi and my son's Boxer puppy in a 24-hour period; then having to put down my niece's 15-year-old German Shepard a week later because she finally got to the point where she could not walk anymore, that I was positive I would not get another dog for at least six months. But, I visited a pet store that was hosting a couple of rescue dog groups. That's when I met Rolene. She came right to me and put her head on my leg, with that same look in the second picture above. I gotta tell ya, I started crying like a little kid when she did that! Here was my new dog - one of those cases of "who really found who?"!!! After a couple of weeks, I made arrangements for my wife and my Chihuahua DeeDee to meet Rolene before making the final decision to adopt her. When all three met, it took maybe five seconds to decide! Rolene was ours!
She's been with us since the first week of June of this year. Rolene has so many traits of my dear, departed Gigi, even though she's five times the size and weight. It was the matter of the right place and right time of how I got Ro-Ro. I can't imagine my life right now without her.
Make it 7. Yesterday she got two more (of course she doesn't eat mice, just makes sure they will not disturb us again).
I think we should rename her Terminator...