No more General Lees

Muslim beliefs are very demoralizing.....

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the southern states fly the American flag before they seceded from the Union. That would make the stars and stripes a racist symbol because it was flown in the states where slavery was legal at the time. Maybee we should ban it also and put up the UN flag.
Say what you want... at least America saw the light and abolished slavery once and for all ... not like some other places or religions.
I'm offended by them for being offended by the Confederate flag. CMT? Really? Caving into the PC Lefties... Guess they're of my channel guide.

What a bunch of pussies!
The list goes on. Eli Lilly, American Airlines, Intel, Apple, ATT, Caterpillar, Facebook, Goldman Sachs, Google, Macdonalds, Marriott, Microsoft and many others have all jumped onto the PC bandwagon. Don't you know what is good for big business is good for America.
One has to wonder if this frenzy ever goes that far as to destroy historically important objects and places as to erase the unpleasant and offending memories.