Old Man with a Hat
It would be nothing like Here Comes Baby Boo-boo by a long shot!
He has some kool parts he just needs to be told that all of it may be worth what he's asking for one of them.
Hey Guys,
When I get home from work in the early morning hours, the first thing I do is grab a beer and hit his forum. No matter how crappy my night has been, I can always get plenty of laughs here! I think the cast of regulars on this site could have a damn fine reality show, in the truest sense of the word. Thanks for the uplifting conversations here.
In My Paradise,
Love Shack
You know it was Mikey that got them interested in OCC.
would love to find the rubber cover for the hidden headlight motor...have heard they may be sourced out through other mopars with the hidden headlight setup on 71s....true ..false? and which if so...gona need one soon..thanx
Sorry to interrupt but are you two children done?
Amazing what you can find with 25 seconds and the Google search bar.
Yep. It was that useless, lazy, POS, grown up baby who brainstormed it.
The residuals guaranty he still will never have to work.
And bro Teutle Jr. will always give him a free meal.
The revenue these shows make from Product Placement is obscene.I always found it funny that Jr was able to.
The revenue these shows make from Product Placement is obscene.
Every brand name you see is done intentionally.
Dirty Jobs is a great example. When Mike Rowe became Ford spokesman, all of a sudden, there were new F-250s on his show with the camera always zooming in on the grill and pausing. Hmmmmm...