Odd smell

Searching this forum with: SMELL, came to this thread..
I also have a odd smell in the Newport. Sniffing around I came to the conclusion it is the steering wheel !!
Anybody else has this "problem"
Are there any members here who are willing to snif on their steeringwheels :rofl:

No, seriously, the odd smell is indeed coming from the steeringwheel...
You are right my 68 steering wheel had a unique smell. Different from the other smells in the car. Interesting smell, not rank, just interesting.
You are right my 68 steering wheel had a unique smell. Different from the other smells in the car. Interesting smell, not rank, just interesting.

Does it smell similar to the plastic handles on screwdrivers? Some of those really stink, especially the clear-handled Craftsmans!