Oil pressure gauge issue

Do you have an 1157 bulb that you can check you meter with? I just checked one. With your neg probe on the body of the bulb one of the contacts should be around 1/2 ohm the other should be around 2 1/2 ohms. We need to make sure your meter is working correctly.
Thanks Gents, you were very helpful between the knowledge shared on the thread and a few phone calls to Louisiana we were able to figure out that the gauge is the issue and I will be making the mechanical gauge a bit more of a permanent installation for the time being.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, this forum is the best!:thankyou:
When I ground the wire the gauge pegs high.
That is as it should be. You're sending voltage to the unit from your gauge. The gauge reads variable voltage based on variable resistance at the sending unit. By grounding the wire, you're giving it 0 ohms resistance, so it reads high.

See if you can find out what the nominal, factory resistance of the unit is supposed to be. Then read the resistance with one or several ohm meters. Test several units if you have them.