If anyone doesn't understand about delivering cars, next time you see a carrier pull up to a dealership, stop and enjoy the show. While you're doing that, imagine yourself doing that as your job, day in, day out, under sometimes impossible conditions including rain and snow, zero degree to 100+ degree temps, and a schedule impossible to meet. Crawling around that framework hanging on like a monkey.
Plus broken ramps and hydraulic systems that leak, jam, or turn to sludge when it is zero out. Cars that won't start. And driving off the top ramp backwards? OMG.
For 30 years so you have a little more than SSA when you're 65 and broken down and hurting bad for the remainder of what life you have.
BTW, nobody does it 30 years anymore. The big national carriers for the auto makers that were union have been busted up and the industry is now like the freight industry where driver turnover is about one year, let alone 30.