OK you truckers...

The day the music died:
The deregulation of the trucking industry began with the Motor CarrierAct of 1980, which was signed into law by President Carter on July 1, 1980
It is completely governed by the insurance companies. They come up with a plan to track, watch, identify drivers, and propose it to the government under the name of safety. The government has no problem adopting it (less work for them) and nobody is concerned that your civil rights just got punched in the gut, kicked in the ribs while down and left to rot in the gutter again. If I would have known that getting a CDL meant becoming a third or fourth class citizen of this country I would have left it lay. I have nine years left till 62, which is after 59.5 yo I'm signing up ASAP selling all my truck crap and getting a crappy job not driving a commercial motor vehicle.
I'm am just tired of dodging Johnny Law especially the pimple faced millennials that figure out they can do more daylight shifts it they are DOT qualified. I want to get a job driving something car like and drive right by them horn blarring and finger waving.
Respect my *** you cheap shot low life's
Rant over for now.
I'm just glad I waz old enough to bail and gladly relinquish the CDL with all the endorsements in March of '03. Don't remember how many Chicken Houses I've dodged or in how many states? And I know it's gotten tougher in many ways in the intervening years. Do they still require Bingo cards or Funny Books at all anymore? BTW Commando, Memorial Day fell on May 27th this year and Jer turned 80. I did ah 1225 mile round trip in 32 hours with ah 10 hour nap at the turnaround. FWIW, It kicked my *** too. And It's gonna take 'til after the weekend to make me feel like folks again. I gotta stop doin' stupid stuff, Jer
FUHOA Dance.gif
Happy birthday Jer, we will have to tip a couple back at Carlisle for yours and mine on the 10th. Maybe we can give Stan a call and have a conference toast.
Do they still require Bingo cards or Funny Books at all anymore?
Bingo cards have been gone for 30 years. IFTA has been about the only big government program that actually made things easier and efficient. We still have and use "funny" books on our ELD exempt trucks although the insurance companies are making it increasingly difficult and expensive to keep those trucks. We are up for renewal, the insurance companies want pictures, inspections, and maintenance records on our exempt trucks. They don't ask for those on our ELD equipped trucks.
Had you stayed there, you'd have been near the top of the Seniority List
tasting that $5,000/mo pension.
I was a temporary feeder (doubles) driver for Christmas 1988. They offered me a full time spot if I wanted to relocate up to Jacksonville. They were building a new hub and would be hiring from outside. I was like "who wants to live in that stinky city" and passed. A year later I was divorced and meet a girl from Orange Park and moved up there. If I had only known...
The one we were forced to use waz round and we had to put a new paper wheel in it every day before we fired it up. Because they paid us mileage

The round one I used in the 80's was IIRC a Veeder Roote (sp?)

I fixed a problem at 2am one night coming out of McAllen TX that was caused by some hack at the shop and I was still pi$$ed in the morning when I got up and jammed the card in upside down by mistake. They deducted my $50 safety bonus... I pointed out to them that I didn't do it deliberately and me crawling under their truck to fix their fkup probably saved them a $500 service call. Too bad, rules are rules. Ok says I, you'll never ever write me another bonus check then. Went from best fuel mileage to worst and only put one card per trip in the clock. Nothing but black bands on a 24 hour tach card after it's spun around for a week or 2...


I saw that video the other night and am still trying to figure out what the other handle under the trailer brake handle is for.

If it was Caterpillar equipped it would be easy, Brake Saver control but the truck has a Screamer in it (2 stroke Detroit) so unless you could get a hydraulic retarder behind one of those, I'm stumped and nobody with the possible exception of me would ever pull out a CAT for an 8V92 or a 12V71...
