Old school gas war on NY reservation

Gov. ****'s old man got into plenty of scuffles with the Indians back in the day. There's a couple reservations out that way. The one in Salamanca that I-86/17 goes thru and another in Angola/Silver Creek that I-90 goes thru. Right along lake Erie.

I remember Mario **** wanted to stop them from selling gas and smokes, so the Indians shut down I 90 and started burning cars in protest.:rofl: They were just junkers but funny nonetheless. Anyway, the Indians won! God love them!

It wouldn't surprise me if that idiot kid of his would try again. Probably has too much on his plate with the virus though, for right now.
I had to look up where Salamanca was. :lol:

Salamanca is where I picked Betty up from...

I think because the Seneca Nation is a considered a sovereign nation they don't pay any taxes on the gasoline so they get it dirt cheap and add on their profit. No state road tax , no state sales tax on the gas that's why it's so cheap. And that goes for cigarettes too. I still think you can get a carton of cigarettes there for about $12.
That's why **** was bitchin'. He wanted them to pay per gallon highway tax, and sales tax. And the fact that people were loading up the trunk of their cars with cigs and reselling them on the black market. Now they have a limit on how many cartons you can purchase at once.
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