On a serious note....

They want to do it now, I have bone spurs on the joint that can't be removed.
Get it done as soon as possible Red. You met my girl Ellie at Carlisle........ Well, she had a knee replacement less then two years ago and walked darn near the whole fairgrounds.
My dad had both knees replaced when in his 70's and is still getting around at 93.

Sell the car..... The money will be gone and you'll regret it. Sit on it awile, get the transplant and spend six months polishing the car.

Whatever your decision we wish you the best of luck.

I'm sorry about your health. I know how you feel and am struggling with the dilemma of selling off my cars as I grow older. The only difference is that I have yet to experience an ailment that forces the decision. I wish you the best in this situation.
Hang in there Bob. The joy I saw on your face and the pride you displayed when you showed me your car at Carlisle was amazing! Don't make any decisions now........take a deep breathe and let the future play out a little. You'll make it through this and still have your beautiful car!
That's truly what we all hope for you brother, let us know if there's anything we can do.
Hey guys....... Instead of a group C body project car...... How about a group "knee" body for Red project........!!!! :eusa_think:
Mark told me about your situation earlier today Bob and I knew it had to be true given the problems at Carlisle but it seems unreal. I cant begin to express anything except That really sucks and I wish it werent true ..... you and that car were made for each other.
well I do know if I had a similar circumstance It would be heart breaking for me to have to unload a car .... we should just cancel Carlisle from now on then
You don't stop trying to live a dream because one person fails at living theirs.
Sure it does ........... and nothing anyone here says is gonna change that, unfortunately that is going to come form you
Red, We didn't meet at Carlisle and I'm to blame for that I'm sure. When I had my 3rd surgery on the right knee My "saw bones" installed what most doctors are implanting then and still do today and I've had mine 11 yearz . Oh, and BTW, you try climbing in and out of a big rig 30-40 times a day for 46 years when your first step is 30"s off the ground. For the record knee replacements, are NOT stuck up or down into the hollowed out Tibia or Femur anymore. The Dr. will cut a V notch on the top of the Tibia and glue a stainless steal plate on it! And do a little custom work on the bottom of the Femur and what looks for all the world like a bent stainless steal Horse shoe into a half circle and glue that on too. OH YEAH, AND IF YOU WARE OUT THE NEOPRENE CUSHION THAT THAT HORSE SHOE RIDES ON tHEY CAN MAKE A SMALL INCISION ON THE SIDE OF YOUR KNEE AND SLIDE THAT "WORN OUT BUSHING" OUT OF THE DOVE TAIL THAT HOLDS IT IN PLACE AND SLIDE IN A BRAND NEW ONE! The real win win iz, Their ain't no more pain Buckaroo. Make a copy of this little book and take it to your Doc and let him read it and then you two talk. At 74 I don't run much anymore but I'll bring a gun to a knife fight if I feel the need. ANOTHER WIN WIN, Jer
Agreed! I'm trying to get him to come to the show at the Pacard Proving Grounds next Sunday. Can't wait to hang with him again! As soon as I get the rear main fixed on the Imp there'll be a road trip to see Jer first thing!
Dude, WTF is this? Do not sell the car.

I know so many people who have had knee replacements & they're back on their feet quick. They ALL say they wish they'd have done it sooner. Sounds like you have a tough job but you'll get through it. I had major old school knee surgery in the late 80's when they hacked you open & it took a long time to heal. Much different today..

There's also something called FMLA that gives you some rights that you may or may not know about.