Once again technology fails me.


Senior Member
Jun 18, 2013
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The other day, I had one of the lamps on the end table start blinking. I unplugged it, went out to the barn, got a spare receptacle and replaced it. The receptacle was original to the house so it needed changed anyway. There was a piece of the plastic housing broken but no evidence of shorting that I could see.

Plug the lamp back in, about 10 minutes later it started blinking again. I switched the lamps and realized the same lamp was blinking in the other receptacle, the first receptacle was good after all. No problem, it needed changed anyway.

Picked up a replacement switch today and replaced it. Still no evidence of shorting but the lamps are getting older and they make everything disposable now so no shock that it might have gone bad. Plugged it in, after about 10 minutes, it started blinking again...WTF???

Now it finally dawned on me, I replaced both end table lamp bulbs with led bulbs because they last for "YEARS"... led bulbs have circuitry in the base, obviously the Chinese quality control isn't great. Replaced the bulb with another and it's still working. I miss my incandescent bulbs.
I’ve had all sorts of LED bulbs fail me but I bought them all at Costco , I was able to return everyone of them for a refund no questions asked . It didn’t matter if they were over a year old or not , they still took them back .
Like a lot of things made by ChiComs, their LED and compact fluorescent bulbs are crap. I had one short out at the base and throw sparks on a pile of newspapers on the couch. Fortunately I was home at the time. Found an old line Ace hardware store that still had a case of 60w and 100w incandescent bulbs and bought them both, which is what I now use. Put the energy efficient bulbs in the basement where they can throw sparks at the concrete floor.

Don't blame the technology, blame as stated, where it's made. It's pretty pathetic that we can't make light bulbs, spatulas, can cozy's or most any day to day products here. But if they are manufactured here, we piss and moan about the price or that all that "green" stuff is a waste of time and money.
Join the club. A couple of years ago I decided to go with LED Christmas lights and was happy with the results. I picked a nice day after Thanksgiving to put my lights up. So I hauled them out and started with C9 sets that I put on a couple of junipers on opposite sides of the garage. So far so good. Then I went to the minis for the small bushes. I’ve kept these lights stored on the spools they originally came on. When I plugged them in for a test light, I found one string with half the lights out. Then another and another. And it wasn’t even the same half from one to the next. One or two were completely out. I looked for breaks in the wires and tried replacing a few bulbs. I checked those annoyingly small fuses and even though they didn’t look burned I replaced some. Didn’t work. The wife had to come outside to see what I was swearing about. There’s an inline capsule that has the circuit/diode. It didn’t look burned either but I figured it must be the failure point. Those f**king lights worked when I put them away. But all of them take a crap at the same time? WTF??