Opinions on what to look for and value for a newbie


New Member
Jun 4, 2014
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Hey guys and gals, I've owned a few mopars over the past few years. Mostly A bodies. I've been a member on FABO for a few years now, and try to add a little value when I can. I found a really clean 66 plymouth Fury 3. From the pictures it seems to be a survivor car, with an older repaint, although the paint is holding up well. All chrome is in good shape. It has a recently rebuilt original 383 paired to the rebuilt original 727.

Owner states car has no rust and no body filler. Its a southern car so it sounds accurate to me. my main questions for you guys, are what is a fair price to offer ( I know that's a loaded question, and I've done my research, anywhere from $2500 - $20000 ... LOL) what are some trouble spots on the body I need to look out for? Are they prone to rusting in any certain area?

I appreciate all the help. Hopefully it works out and I get to be an active member on here as well.





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What's more important for you to know is parts are very hard to find for C-bodies.
Everybody will give the caveats but they're just repeating the same old same old that applies to all fifty year old cars.
Thanks for the reply, I agree with you, parts are hard to come across. I'm hoping I don't get into a situation where I need to find parts for the car. That is one reason I've been searching for a solid car. I'm not aware this car would require any new parts. Engine and transmission parts should still be easily accessible.

I'm looking for a solid driver that I can cruise on nice days and maybe hit up my local cruise in on the weekends.
could be just my eyes but to me there's rust and filler in that car. Clearly over the passenger rear wheel well.
Watch for bondo on the C pillars, rear window, and quarters. Another huge problem for '66 Fury's are the floors. The upper pans rust the most. Good luck on finding "your" car!
I agree it looks like it has been repaired with bondo if not the sheet metal work was poorly done. From someone going through the process right now it is difficult to get good panels that fit well unless you have a very good body man. Usual problems rust, rust, rust. Trunk, floor boards, quarter panels and very few parts available.
By the looks of it you will need to do extensive repairs. Having said that if you get it for the right price it will be worth it.
I'm located in Indiana and this car is in Tennessee, otherwise I would just go look at it really quick. I blew the picture up that you guys are talking about. I'm no expert here, but could it be a shadow from the grass? I know not everyone is honest, but this guy insists that there is no bondo or filler in this car. If the car has bondo I don't want it. I'm not looking to take on a project right now, or buy a car that has body issues. Been there, done that, don't have the patience!

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It's hard to tell anything from pictures. For some reason, I think that the owner wouldn't take that pic if the quarter was bondo'd up.

Are you going to buy it without looking at it personally? Do you have anyone in the area that could look at it? Maybe an appraiser of someone like that.
I'm going to leave early Saturday morning to go look at it in person with the intent to buy it. I don't have anyone in the area that could go look at it on my behalf. He is supposed to be sending more pictures tonight, along with video of it running and driving. I've been mislead before ...and it's frustrating when you make a 4-6 hour drive and what you see is not the same car described in the ad.
I just wanted to have my ducks in a row before I made the 6 hour drive. I tend to agree with you, I can't see the owner snapping a pic at that angle if it were full of bondo. The owner has been so honest about everything else, I can't see him lying about that. But then again maybe he just doesn't know what he's looking for. I don't think he's a true mopar enthusiast ... he didn't know what the word "sure grip" meant ... but I'm not holding it against him :)
I hope it works out for you. It's a really cool looking car and with the exception of the air cleaner (LOL), I really like it.
Thanks John. I hope it works out too. I have a better looking air cleaner somewhere in my dads garage. That'll be the first modification I make!!
I was thinking that quarter just has some weird reflections and that there isn't bondo, but hard to tell for sure from a picture. Take a little magnet with a soft cloth to put under it and make sure it clings nicely. Good luck, it does look pretty dang good from what I see. The weakest spot I always deal with on these things is the very rear of the front stub frame, it seems to fill with gravel then stay wet enough to rot the bottom of it out - the stub frame ends just even with the back of the front seats and you should be able to tell without too much difficulty.
I was thinking that quarter just has some weird reflections and that there isn't bondo, but hard to tell for sure from a picture. Take a little magnet with a soft cloth to put under it and make sure it clings nicely. Good luck, it does look pretty dang good from what I see. The weakest spot I always deal with on these things is the very rear of the front stub frame, it seems to fill with gravel then stay wet enough to rot the bottom of it out - the stub frame ends just even with the back of the front seats and you should be able to tell without too much difficulty.

The weird reflections, or lack of clear reflections, is all the orange peel in the paint job which is making it hard to see what is going on.

Is the car owned by the original owner as I don't see that mentioned. Original owner and second owner can see things very differently.
The weird reflections, or lack of clear reflections, is all the orange peel in the paint job which is making it hard to see what is going on.

Is the car owned by the original owner as I don't see that mentioned. Original owner and second owner can see things very differently.

I agree with the paint assessment. Judging from the reflections, or lack there of, in the paint, I'd say it has a terrible paint job. Also just the fact that it has been repainted would preclude it from being a "survivor" car, not to mention the wheels, air cleaner, intake, carb, and valve covers.
I'm located in Indiana and this car is in Tennessee, otherwise I would just go look at it really quick. I blew the picture up that you guys are talking about. I'm no expert here, but could it be a shadow from the grass? I know not everyone is honest, but this guy insists that there is no bondo or filler in this car. If the car has bondo I don't want it. I'm not looking to take on a project right now, or buy a car that has body issues. Been there, done that, don't have the patience!

This is the area that I'd be concerned with. Those are either scratches or rust bubbles or cracking filler and the area highlighted in red, from this picture, to me shows a repair.


I'm assuming that there's something that catches your eye about this car. It could be the stance, the shape of the roof, or just the overall appeal. You seem to indicate that this car is for you but worry about buying a turkey. Truth is, trust your gut feeling and accept that there are some things you will definitely change. If the price is right for you,
the looks appeal to you and you haven't seen anything better for the price then carry on and invest the time for a personal inspection. My 65 came from southern Arizona and like Tennessee they don't use much if any salt on the roads in winter. The body of my car was great but the guy that fixed minor dents and painted it worked on a serious budget. Take a magnet with you to find where the metal stops and the filler starts. As for being in a previous accident, who knows. You'll just have to go and see for yourself or it may be the one "that got away".
I appreciate all of your comments. The owner of the car sent me about 30 detailed pictures last night as well as some videos of the car running.

After taking the advice given on here, and looking at his other photos in great detail, I just don't feel the car is worth what he's asking for it. His bottom dollar was $7000. Also the dash pad is way beyond repairable and the front passenger seat would need repaired.

Again, thanks so much for all of the input. I'd much rather wait on the "right" mopar.