"Oppertunity (sic) of a life time! 68 imperial - $6000 (Tulsa)"

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What a brown nose. ROTFLMFAO!!
(not that I have never done that....)

LOL! It might work....He's been a little more friendly since seeing the pictures I've sent him.

He's knows that I'll take care of it and pass it on to the next generation.
I did?? I have not always been kind to my brain cells but I would have thought I'd remember that.

Either you're just trying to pad your "Thanks" count or you are truely the first person on my list that should have my Imp IF I ever decided to sell and that's a big IF!


No problem, Matt my memory serves for two at times. Just send me a B-body for compensation. :)
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Reminds me of riding my Schwinn back in '70's with the kickstand down. lol.

You had some cool muscle car inspired bikes in the US back in the day.


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Actually, my laziness in quoting a reply. I was also referring to Dave in that thread too. He has always been the one with the highest praise for my Imp.
Glad we cleared that up. :reading:
And I even thanked you for that. LOL
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