Other Hobby's Besides Cars

I am having trouble getting away from "vehicles" .. but I still have this adjacent hobby after almost 60 years. have every one of these and others -- and maybe 20 unbuilt waiting for me to retire.
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Oh man, I built several of those in my childhood! Cool!

Did the Red Baron have a /6 or a Ford 6?
I was always into beer, enough so that I started home brewing. That's a fun hobby and you can enjoy the fruits of your labor months from now. I also liked a toddy or two but usually just Black Velvet and Sprite. A friend invited me to a spirit tasting group and the rest is history. We pay dues, meet once a month, and get to sample spirits we would never just pull off the shelf at the store and buy just to sample. When you start a collection of bottles, it can get out of hand in a hurry. I am up to 250+ and I started sometime in 2020. I tell my wife, I don't have a drinking problem, I have a collecting problem. There will be a big party at my funeral one day. Hopefully that will be later than sooner.





I'm a Christmas nut, so I have a large collection of stuff, especially Villages. I put up four trees and 5 village scenes.









I also collect coffee mugs. I have 5 cabinets full; two are Christmas alone. For our annul Open House I set a large pile up on our counter, then ad more as those get used.


Oh man, I built several of those in my childhood! Cool!

Did the Red Baron have a /6 or a Ford 6?
Some kinda inline 6, advertised as a "1914 Mercedes Benz aircraft mill". Didn't mean anything to me at 7 yrs. old .. it was just cool. :)

source: EarlyEnginesF

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As many of you know, I'm a professional musician (performer, producer, arranger, educator, transcriber, recording artist, yadda yadda), and if I wasn't into music as a career, I'd be into antique/vintage/collectible vehicles.

I love everything to do with wheels and engines!

However, I love architecture, design, craftsmanship etc., and I love old records. That's the real collecting part for me - mostly 78 rpm stuff, but some vinyl too, plus the machines to play them on. Being the nerd that I am, I just recently managed to get through all my 78s and organize them by artists (alphabetically), and by record number and label.

The Zenith you see in the first pic has a pull-out record changer - plays up to 10 78 rpm discs - switchable by pushing a button. I also have a bunch of old telephones - working and hooked up - Northern Electric 202 with ringer box and spitcup on top of the Zenith...




I have about 5 specialized turntables:

1918 Brunswick Ultona Model S - plays all available discs at the time - Edison vertical, Pathe vertical and standard lateral groove records. It uses a rotating reproducer with 3 different stylii.
Brunswick Ultona Model S (Stratford).jpg

Brunswick Ultona Model S (Stratford) CONTROLS AND PLATTER.jpg

Then the Zenith from late 30s
Zenith closed.jpg

Then a 1954 Garrard 4 HF - will play all speeds and sizes - up to 16" transcription discs.


1958 QRK Model 17 radio transcription turntable - with a Rek-O-Kut 16" Micropoise transcription arm. I have a couple of Gray 108 oil damped arms, but I'll likely sell those to fund expensive car parts, or a baritone sax...
QRK with Rek-O-Kut tonearm mounted.jpg

Then I can play them through my 1961 Fisher 800C - "The Fisher" - top of the line for that year.


Then I have my every day system (lol - it's almost 30 years old) - JVC RX250V receiver with recordable EQ, 3 head cassette deck, CD player, Fostex CD recorder, and a Dual CS608 3 speed turntable for the really special stuff - tracks at 3/4 of a gram yadda yadda - Ortofon OM20 cartridge and eliptical stylus.

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Nah, it's this one:
That's quite the line up. Looks like a fun time 120 shows in 4 days. How many shows can you catch? about half of them?
I'm hopefully going to this one next year. Headbangers Boat
I'm a huge hatebreed fan so this boat looks awesome!
Love teeth, rescue dogs, Imperials, sketching and then there's the passion for pew-pews, conceal carry and range shooting. It's a pretty big deal to me outside of work and the Imperial ownership.
This is a quick pic of a small sample as I prepare to safely move them from old house to new house this week. The heavy safes being professionally moved are going first then I get them back into their locked up tight home ASAP. Gun safety and situational awareness number one thing in our household.
