As many of you know, I'm a professional musician (performer, producer, arranger, educator, transcriber, recording artist, yadda yadda), and if I wasn't into music as a career, I'd be into antique/vintage/collectible vehicles.
I love everything to do with wheels and engines!
However, I love architecture, design, craftsmanship etc., and I love old records. That's the real collecting part for me - mostly 78 rpm stuff, but some vinyl too, plus the machines to play them on. Being the nerd that I am, I just recently managed to get through all my 78s and organize them by artists (alphabetically), and by record number and label.
The Zenith you see in the first pic has a pull-out record changer - plays up to 10 78 rpm discs - switchable by pushing a button. I also have a bunch of old telephones - working and hooked up - Northern Electric 202 with ringer box and spitcup on top of the Zenith...
I have about 5 specialized turntables:
1918 Brunswick Ultona Model S - plays all available discs at the time - Edison vertical, Pathe vertical and standard lateral groove records. It uses a rotating reproducer with 3 different stylii.
Then the Zenith from late 30s
Then a 1954 Garrard 4 HF - will play all speeds and sizes - up to 16" transcription discs.
1958 QRK Model 17 radio transcription turntable - with a Rek-O-Kut 16" Micropoise transcription arm. I have a couple of Gray 108 oil damped arms, but I'll likely sell those to fund expensive car parts, or a baritone sax...
Then I can play them through my 1961 Fisher 800C - "The Fisher" - top of the line for that year.
Then I have my every day system (lol - it's almost 30 years old) - JVC RX250V receiver with recordable EQ, 3 head cassette deck, CD player, Fostex CD recorder, and a Dual CS608 3 speed turntable for the really special stuff - tracks at 3/4 of a gram yadda yadda - Ortofon OM20 cartridge and eliptical stylus.