OUCH! 1950 Desoto crushed

Ouch is right.

My girlfriend and I were driving past here after it happened and all the emergency vehicles left, we turned left from Rt. 31 south and she pointed out the car. I was driving and couldn't look long not realizing it was a Desoto, I do a lot of driving and see several times a day cars swerving over the lines due to distractions. I will be going down Creager rd. onto Rt. 31 on Sunday for a car show. If it is still there I will stop to see it.
The grille looks salvageable. That damn minivan had to have been going pretty quick to shove that DeSoto across that driveway and onto that grass berm.
Wow that Desoto got FUBAR'D!!! That hurts more then a little to see. And all I can say by the vehicle that did the damage...Probably driven by a "Low Renter"...Or a "Skid with Kids". I really hope they were washing blood off the vehicle with those pails, and the driver of that minivan did not survive.

Stopped by to see the Desoto, not many parts not damaged. While I was there 5 other cars stopped, some took pictures others asked what happened. One gentleman told me he and his son were wondering how much it was going for and were thinking of making a offer if it was in their price range. Many just said what a shame a car survives that long only to end that way. The woman who hit it survived but there are so many more that don't realize driving is the most dangerous thing we do, and we do it everyday. The cell phone, the GPS in the dash, spilled soda, or screaming kid becomes insignificant when safety is the factor.