
I hope all car enthusiasts in Michigan will be successful in fighting this stupid law. The rest of us will have to be prepared to fight it at some point in other states and provinces. These days stupid legislation has a way of spreading like wild fire.
I guess we will all have to move to India, where car laws are basically non-existent
For sure that one of the biggest problems we have is busybody legislators from both parties regulating us all to death. I think we should have a constitutional amendment reducing congressional sessions to 3 months per year. State legislatures too. These people have to much time on their hands to dream up dumb rules that don't address the major problems we have. I'm sure the education system in Michigan is FUBAR so why are they wasting time on things like people's aftermarket exhaust systems (in a state that's losing population).
Easy. So nobody notices that the educational system is screwed. I always tell people not to bullshit me, but politicians are the absolute worst. They don't care about anything except their wallets and their position. Is it true that in Canada the Prime Minister is paid the median wage for the country? Sounds like a good idea to me
The big problem isn't what we pay them. It's the revolving door between government and the lobbying firms. Todays legislator's and staffers are just making contacts so they can leverage them later in the private sector. We should create a waiting period of say 10 years after you leave public service before you can engage in lobbying.
Funny you should say that, since it is the Republicans that control both the House and the Senate in Michigan. But please, don't let the facts get in the way of your commentary...


THAT'S right I forgot, it's been so ingrained in my conciseness that the NE and upper MW was all (D)emocrat™ territoty.

But I'm sure the majority of them are far from conservatives. Just like here in N.E. they merely hang on the (R). I guess I should have used the lower case d rather an the upper case. My mistake. One cannot be a (R)epublican™ and a (D)emocrat™. However one can be a (R)epublican™ and be democrat. On the other hand one cannot be a republican and be a (D)emocrat™ nor can they be a democrat.
THAT'S right I forgot, it's been so ingrained in my conciseness that the NE and upper MW was all (D)emocrat™ territoty.

But I'm sure the majority of them are far from conservatives. Just like here in N.E. they merely hang on the (R). I guess I should have used the lower case d rather an the upper case. My mistake. One cannot be a (R)epublican™ and a (D)emocrat™. However one can be a (R)epublican™ and be democrat. On the other hand one cannot be a republican and be a (D)emocrat™ nor can they be a democrat.

Wow, that really cleared it up for me, thanks!:tard:
I could only wish the median income was 300k.

Oh for fast sake... I'll make it simple for you. Rand Paul (r) epublican. Gov Christy Creme, (R) epublican. Rand can fill either of the r roles Christy can only ever be a (R) or (d)..
I would hope this law is either overturned, vetoed by Michigans Governor or ignored by Law Enforcement. Heck most Law Enforcement already ignores the illegal and overly offensive Harley Davidson motorcycle exhaust.
Heck most Law Enforcement already ignores the illegal and overly offensive Harley Davidson motorcycle exhaust.[/QUOTE]

I can hear the banshee death shrill of the rice rockets 1½ miles away on US27 at night.
No Harleys though. Strange.......

Posted via Topify on Android
A law has been Introduced to ban most aftermarket exhaust systems here inMichigan.
Keep your eyes open locally, I imagine there are a## holes in every state that might try and introduce things like this. The whole flucking world is coming apart And these mouth breathers are wasting time on **** like this?

just caught up with this.. as my good buddy from NY NY said a few years back when soft drink sizes got regulated: "dat's some BS right der",

somebody probably said it already...wonder how, if passed, this thing gets enforced...on manufacturers (FlowMaster, Walker, etc) and the local repair folks who need an exhaust "dB level" database for every car ever made?

SMH here...
THAT'S right I forgot, it's been so ingrained in my conciseness that the NE and upper MW was all (D)emocrat™ territoty.

But I'm sure the majority of them are far from conservatives. Just like here in N.E. they merely hang on the (R). I guess I should have used the lower case d rather an the upper case. My mistake. One cannot be a (R)epublican™ and a (D)emocrat™. However one can be a (R)epublican™ and be democrat. On the other hand one cannot be a republican and be a (D)emocrat™ nor can they be a democrat.
There are "republicans" but very few true "conservatives".
There are "republicans" but very few true "conservatives".

My my point exactly, those titles mean nothing. If you vote "party" line, you never know what you are getting.

It still doesn't explain the fact that this particular bill, R or D sponsored, was probably introduced because some over-paid legislator was offended personally in some way by someone's loud exhaust. Unfortunately, this individual was "owed" favors by other members and thus it moved forward. Hopefully logic and logistics (ultimate cost of enforcement) will land this idea in the circular file, and they will get back to more important business, like their pay raises....:soapbox: