Packing it up for the season!

Why use anything?
There’s too much evidence to support the damaging affects of ethanol to not spend the 50 cents per fill up, especially when the stuff you’re adding has evidence to support its benefits.
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The jelly I found at the bottom of the float bowls was enough to make me keep trying something. This was on a car that sees a easy 2500 mi per year, I imagine more sitting can only be worse.
The jelly I found at the bottom of the float bowls was enough to make me keep trying something. This was on a car that sees a easy 2500 mi per year, I imagine more sitting can only be worse.
I keep telling ya... acetone. No one listens. Must be my hat.
Stan what would be the proper proportion of said ingredients please and thank you. you can use your sliderule if need be.