Paypal called me today...

mr. fix it

Old Man with a Hat
Aug 14, 2013
Reaction score
It was an unknown # calling me and for laughs I answered. Got put on hold for a few minutes then a foreign chap gets on the line to tell me there is a problem with my PP account which needs my attention. They have tried for days to call me .

It a typical spammer scammer call which I enjoy every once in a while to hear I have won a big trip once I supply my CC info over the phone.

He asks for my email address(I refuse) after all PP is calling me using an unknown phone phone & should have this on hand already.
He also asks me for the phone associated with my account!

Finally he gives up and tells me to check PP on line and call them back later.

So I go on line and find out that this called was legit and it shows I am in a negative balance thanks to PP trying to take money from an account I am required to have a a back up in case my CC's don't work.
I put a block on this account after being fried by PP a few times when they tried to take funds without my knowledge.

It's a small amount but PayPal tells me that they can't take the payment from my CC now since they already paid the vendor for the transaction and they are out of pocket.

I tell them to charge my CC and they can't or won't.
If they can there will be a cash advance charge to my CC!

So they are going to suspend my PP account..

I can't tell you how many times they have suspended user accounts because of their screw ups.
Over the 10 plus years I have had an account they have done it to me or refused to release funds due to me about 4 times now.

I have a great credit score. I just don't know why they blame others when they screw things up!

I really don't like PP any more but they seem to be the only kid on the block that sells the right flavour of ice cream for on line transactions that everyone likes to be paid right away...

I don't think I am being unreasonable in my comments here.
I remember seeing the notice a dew weeks ago too Commando.

I also see that I have an outstanding balance with FleaBay for $2.07 since 2013! how funny is that?

I guess I better watch myself or the MIB will be showing up at my door!
There was a month I sold Parts on Evilbay then the next month I didn't sell Jack **** But they still charged me 5.00. I hate 'em!
I rarely sell stuff anymore but I buy like crazy and have pretty good luck with pp. However they one time (ebay) said I had duplicate accounts and suspended me right as I was trying to get parts for my renault I've yet to see again...ugh
Never had a problem with PP. Payments can be sent and received using "friend/family" option with no fees attached. Just make sure the payee knows that before sending you money.
If ever I receive any email even remotely questionable I forward it to ><. They always respond with the facts.
I rarely sell stuff anymore but I buy like crazy and have pretty good luck with pp. However they one time (ebay) said I had duplicate accounts and suspended me right as I was trying to get parts for my renault I've yet to see again...ugh

Trying to get parts for a Renault should naturally raise suspicion. ;)
I get alleged Paypal mails to confirm data on a monthly Basis now as it seems, though I never had or ever will have an account.
Never had a problem with PP. Payments can be sent and received using "friend/family" option with no fees attached. Just make sure the payee knows that before sending you money.
If ever I receive any email even remotely questionable I forward it to ><. They always respond with the facts.

The down side to friends and family payments is you have no recourse if you get screwed by a seller. The seller is supposed to absorb the 3%. I personally think it's tacky when a seller tells the buyer they get to add 3% or 4% for using PayPal. I think they should just add it into their price of they can't pay it. I sell things for a very reasonable price, I think and realize I'm going to take a hit. Add 5 bucks or whatever it is. I usually just want stuff gone and a little pocket change. I don't have any exotic parts to sell so I'm never asking a lot. I usually find out I could have asked a lot more after I sell something, but I don't care. I haven't had any issues in years, and the only one was totally on my end. I lived and learned. Communication with buyer/seller always makes everything flow smoothly.
The account has been closed after I was finally able to make the payment online. all done and end of problem! :)

I think I'd rather have my tongue stuck to a poll than go through that again!:frozen tongue:
i have a pp i unassociated my bankaccount with them hell i even forgot what my pw is even my login too...
I use PP with a special Mastercard which I setup with a very restrictive credit limit. That way if someone hacks the account the damage they can do is very limited.
Can't say I have had a bad experience with them. In fact two months ago I bought a camera off eBay using Paypal. When I got the camera I immediately noticed obvious scratches around the speed setting dial. They weren't there in the pictures up on eBay which I always save for insurance. Contacted the seller, who didn't respond within my 3 day time allowance, and gave him a negative while filing a claim. Paypal came in and I sent over the previous and current photos the camera showing the damage from using a pair of pliers. Pretty obvious to us who deal with cameras. Two weeks later Paypal decided in my favor and refunded the entire price.
A PayPal collection agency contacted me by phone again today claiming I have a negative balance.
I tell them I have closed my PP account after resolving the negative balance.
They say thanks and demand I give them PayPal account info to prove I have resolved it.
I say use my phone number to check the account status.
They claim they need more like my email address for starters.

I tell them if they have my phone# they have enough to check with PayPal and then instruct them to remove my phone # from their system and then pound some salt while they were at it... :)