PB booster check valve

Scroll down the page you are on right now after my post or the last post, you'll see "Go Advance" click on that, then scroll down again and you'll see "Upload Pictures". Click on that, then a window will popup and in the upper right hand corner of that window, it says "Add Files",.click that and another window will popup, "click select file" go to where your pictures are. Click on the picture you want to upload and the click "upload file", after they upload, in the lower right hand corner of the window, you'll see "Done". Click that and it will return to your post. Click "Submit Reply". That's it..!!

See pictures attached to get you started.


I tried that. On my version when I go to advanced there is no option to upload. I do this every day at work in different programs so I am familiar. Oddly I can not open attachments people put in their posts. Either I have a wacky version of the site out my android does not recognize the format.
Check valve

Finally figured I couldn't do this from my phone.

If you see the three things that stick out prevent me from inserting the valve into the grommet. If I try to put the grommet on the valve then try to install it makes a rounded triangle that wont go in. Is there a special grommet I should be using. This is a little plastic part that has had the car grounded for a few weeks.



It's just a check valve. Go to your local parts house and get a standard replacement and pop it in. Or...., file off the notches flush with the housing and use a small amount of black silicone to hold it in the grommet.
Thanks for the tip Marty! It's been purchased and the Imp should be back on the road next week. Got to get some miles in before PA starts spreading salt & gravel. That combo must have been invented by a Pennsylvania body shop ;)
you're lucky in ny we have salt,sand,gravel and some chemical concoction with calcium chloride in it. my mini van had rust bubbles on the lower parts of the doors before last winter. now the door skins are flapping in the breeze. holes i can stick my hand through. good luck with the booster valve. i used the same one on my '69 fury. fit like a glove.