People can't drive!


Old Man with a Hat
Jul 4, 2012
Reaction score
Central Oklahoma
In the last three days, I've encountered enough fools behind the wheel (and recorded on my dash cam) that I can probably make an entire YT video channel of nothing but clowns holding steering wheels. Yesterday, as I was approaching a four-way stop sign intersection, this broad ran the sign, turned right (toward me) and crossed full into my lane, dragging her invisible trailer and looking at her m-f'ing phone/device/vibrator/whatever. I laid into the horn and initially played chicken with her for a couple of seconds, then I pulled right as she swept on by me, still straddling lanes and nearly hitting the guy behind me.

Reason #485,901 why my old cars stay home, most of the time.
Sounds like hourly NorthEast traffic in Oklahoma. You'll be a better person for it Patrick.
It'll keep you alert, you too will learn to run stop signs and red lights so you won't be put in those situations.
Speed is the answer, if you go fast enough, you won't catch the lights .

I used to drive about 30-40k miles for work every year and I don't miss that at all.

I think it's combination of issues. Just to name one, you have people driving that have never had the experience of driving anything except an airbagged, anti-lock braked cocoon of a car. They become invincible behind the wheel. That's now the second generation of those drivers and they were taught by folks that learned to drive in a mini-van cocoon too.

You also have a lot more cars out there too. A lot more...

I think there is a solution... Instead of an airbag, put a big spike coming from the center of steering wheel. Watch everyone slow down and be more careful then!
Shrug it off, you didn't get hit and it appears you just learned you're not the only person on the road.
A couple years ago. This is from the dash cam in my Ranger.

It happens at a little after 40 seconds into the video, watch for the red Vette on the left.

Best seat in the house was always my thought.
It is entertaining to sit up high like that and watch the dummies maneuver to gain very little ground. However most of those aggressive drivers are paying 100% more attention than the bimbo checking Facebook and snap chat.
While practicing the art of defensive driving around town today in the 64, I expertly accommodated two rookies and one gray bush.
That was very big number, I often have to go months without a full-on challenge.
Very entertaining, much better than video games.
It is entertaining to sit up high like that and watch the dummies maneuver to gain very little ground. However most of those aggressive drivers are paying 100% more attention than the bimbo checking Facebook and snap chat.
For my amusement only, what speed are you governed at.
It's the new led lights. The new bright white is more blinding to oncoming traffic than the old yellow halogen lights but they don't light the road any better. And when out of adjustment can be totally blinding.
I've had to stop dead in the road on two lane roads with curves because of them.
And yes, not all drivers are dimming the lights.
Well speaking of!! Aholes can’t drive. Was take the wife a Doc appointment at 0940 this morning. Drive at highway speed, say 55-60 ish.. and from behind!! BAM!! This young girl on her F-ing phone rear ended us at about 70.. shoving us into the emergency lanes, she’s pulls over then takes off leaving the scene. Spent the day at the hospital with wifey.. back, head and neck pains. Whiplash. We were able to get plates and car description for the police. We got word this afternoon that the police caught her..


High beams on a lighted roadway, the highs of ignorance.
For my amusement only, what speed are you governed at.
Well the splitter does not work in my 18spd so I have basically a 9spd ( like a company driver), it probably rpms out at 90-95@ 1900 or so, you will wait all day for.the last 100-150 rpm. I think the engine tops at 2050 free rev, but there is nothing after 1900.
Well the splitter does not work in my 18spd so I have basically a 9spd ( like a company driver), it probably rpms out at 90-95@ 1900 or so, you will wait all day for.the last 100-150 rpm. I think the engine tops at 2050 free rev, but there is nothing after 1900.
I'm disappointed. This definitely does not sound like you, Dave. Make me proud and do something about that horrible setup.
I'm fixin to fix the transmission someday. I just don't need to go much over 70, most of the time I just set the Cruise on 65
More like they leave the high beams on because they don't have the intelligence to go to WallyWorld and buy and have the skillset for this kit.

View attachment 620671


Wouldn't the brightness of the high beams also be diminished?

I bought one of those headlight lens kits, followed the instructions, resulted in a little better brightness but didn't last but maybe a month.

Ended up buying new headlights.
Took me less time to replace the headlights than to polish the lens of the original lights.
I wouldn't waste time or money on those kits.
Ended up buying new headlights.
Took me less time to replace the headlights than to polish the lens of the original lights.
I wouldn't waste time or money on those kits.
I don't know what you drive but most new cars to replace the headlight assembly is like $250.oo+ each.

Heck did I post this one up? A YouTube mechanic fix-it channel had a brand new Ford F150 with all the bells & whistles that I take it the owner dipped the *** end too deep at the boat ramp. Truck was in the shop for I guess no turn signal and a whole bunch of computer code errors.

End result was replace the two rear turn signal assembly (with the collision avoidance radar(?) module) and wiring... what else? I forget, didn't take notes... total bill was 5 grand $$$$$$ I forgot how much the turn signal assembly's were but they were the major part of the bill.

Guy explained how the taillights screwed up everything in the computer, like radio and HVAC not working etc, but it was above me, mind boggling.
