

Old Man with a Hat
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Sebring, Florida

Thirty years ago they would have subdued him with a little more vigor.
Damn Liberals....

Thirty years ago they would have subdued him with a little more vigor.
Damn Liberals....
Actually perhaps more like 50 or 60 years ago when any fathead could be a cop. Nonetheless, this f'ing idiot obviously has no regard for others. They ought to throw him under the damn jail rather than in it indefinitely.
Perfect example of when one of these bad boys should be deployed and used......

Perfect example of when one of these bad boys should be deployed and used......


LOL Bob I like your thinking. Mount a couple of smart bombs to his bike and hook up a little heads up display on this helmet, case over.
You would only have to do it once and broadcast it all over the media.
Many, MANY years ago, I watched as two Boston cops chased a maggot on his bicycle through a business district.
One of the cops ran a shortcut ahead of the maggot and waited around the corner of a building.
Just as the little maggot comes screaming by the cop, the cop rams his night stick through the spokes of the front wheel.
That maggot launched like a Minuteman Missile over the handlebars for like 20'.
One badly hurtin maggot and mission accomplished. Well done, I say.
"He fell off his bike"....
Many, MANY years ago, I watched as two Boston cops chased a maggot on his bicycle through a business district.
One of the cops ran a shortcut ahead of the maggot and waited around the corner of a building.
Just as the little maggot comes screaming by the cop, the cop rams his night stick through the spokes of the front wheel.
That maggot launched like a Minuteman Missile over the handlebars for like 20'.
One badly hurtin maggot and mission accomplished. Well done, I say.
"He fell off his bike"....

Good job! I hope they got a commendation for their expert police work!
A lot of long flat roads that seem to run on forever. Don't see that around here and no cops showing up during the chase. When an APB goes out here about a chase the patrol cars seem to come out of nowhere.
Anyone who tries to outrun a cop on a motorcycle can't be all that smart to begin with. That's just retarded, to put it nicely.
Ever try to do 100 mph on a motorcycle on local roads?
It takes balls.
The Go-cam mounted on his helmet doesn't convey 10% of the danger adequately.
And he chased him off road right up to the take down.
He made it look like a Sunday cruise.
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