Phoenix Special Coatings


Senior Member
FCBO Gold Member
Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score
Frankfurt, Germany
Looks like they know what they're doing. Nice stuff.


Great, isn't she? I cant imagine everyone here not being in love with her.

"... I threw this crazy-*** idea at her for these valve covers, and she pulled it off even better than I expected!!! A six-color powder coat job!! Who the hell ever heard of anyone pulling that off!!?? and it is a spectacular job at that!
Leanna is a wizard!! ..."
Mario J.
Lombard, Illinois
I had her do my air cleaner...


...and I have a couple boxes that I'm getting ready to ship this afternoon.

I do!

I have a picture in mind of "the car" I would like to have. And incidentally, I'm collecting information about thinks I like.

And when these covers will cost 1 grand or more, I don't have to keep this in mind.
And what do you think, how much do I have to pay for valve covers like this 6-colored?

I don't recal what I paid to ship, have it done and have it shipped back but I knew it would be done right the first time and it was very resonable.

I bet you'd be shocked it what those valve covers cost, probably far less than you think.

Leanna isn't getting rich doing this, it pays the bills. She could proabably charge double and still have more work than she could handle.

I have never herd a bad thing about her work or customer service and there are not many powder coater out there that are doing what she is doing.

She's a member on this sight, "cudachick" I think.
Thanks for your irformation. I bookmarked it! :)

Shipping to germany might be too expensive but I'm in the US minimum once in a year... Fact is, she do awesome work, very cool.
I'm considering getting mine done. I've had 2 cooling disasters and got antifreeze all over the covers. Those polished covers and antifreeze don't mix. I can't get the antifreeze stains to clean up at all.
Dangggggg, if you guys keep this up my head's going to be so swollen I won't fit through the shop door today. :D I think I wore out my Thanks button already!

First off vdk, thank you for checking out some of my work and for posting this here on FBBO. As timing would have it, those 6-color MP valve covers you mentioned were customized for a very member of this site, MarPar, a few months ago. He did a wonderful write up about his experience and shared quite a few more pictures too if you care to have a look.

The parts were in exceptional shape for brand new castings and the bodywork went quickly; even with shipping they were about $300 out the door. (I bill at $25/hour across the board and offer FBBO members a labor discount. Every job is quoted individually to be fair to everybody.)

The body color on his valve covers, Sea Water Teal, is my powder supplier's match for Chrysler Engine Turquoise. With over 6,500 powder colors, textures and finishes available I can pretty much match or get close to any color you can imagine, including 1969 B5 Blue :D ...

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PSC has customers from all over the world so I'm familiar with international shipping requirements. Please note though that I was just an enthusiast and restorer like you long before I ever hung my shingle and opened up my own shop so I know what you guys go through. I do everything within my power to keep your powder coating expenses to a minimum so you can spend that savings somewhere else on your car.

Alan, zy, commando1, polara71 and detmatt -- thanks for the kind words and for sharing. :yourock: I shipped out another MP dress up package a few days ago to MRL Performance for one of our members' builds so I expect rrTor-Red may be showing it off in the next few days. In the meantime, here's a little more FBBO Powder **** for ya'll ...

Feel free to give me a call or shoot me a Private Message if you have other questions or ever want to go over ideas! I'm always around ... the chain from my ankle to my workbench isn't that long. :D Thanks again for making my day guys!!!

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Thanks for this nice reply Leanna! That sounds very good and I'm sure I will come back to your offer some day! Your work is the icing on every car! And the prices are absolutely reasonable. I'll be afraid that the postage to Germany is more expensive then your work.

Keep up the good work :yourock:
Dangggggg, if you guys keep this up my head's going to be so swollen I won't fit through the shop door today. :D I think I wore out my Thanks button already!

First off vdk, thank you for checking out some of my work and for posting this here on FBBO. As timing would have it, those 6-color MP valve covers you mentioned were customized for a very member of this site, MarPar, a few months ago. He did a wonderful write up about his experience and shared quite a few more pictures too if you care to have a look.

The parts were in exceptional shape for brand new castings and the bodywork went quickly; even with shipping they were about $300 out the door. (I bill at $25/hour across the board and offer FBBO members a labor discount. Every job is quoted individually to be fair to everybody.)

The body color on his valve covers, Sea Water Teal, is my powder supplier's match for Chrysler Engine Turquoise. With over 6,500 powder colors, textures and finishes available I can pretty much match or get close to any color you can imagine, including 1969 B5 Blue :D ...

View attachment 20969

PSC has customers from all over the world so I'm familiar with international shipping requirements. Please note though that I was just an enthusiast and restorer like you long before I ever hung my shingle and opened up my own shop so I know what you guys go through. I do everything within my power to keep your powder coating expenses to a minimum so you can spend that savings somewhere else on your car.

Alan, zy, commando1, polara71 and detmatt -- thanks for the kind words and for sharing. :yourock: I shipped out another MP dress up package a few days ago to MRL Performance for one of our members' builds so I expect rrTor-Red may be showing it off in the next few days. In the meantime, here's a little more FBBO Powder **** for ya'll ...

Feel free to give me a call or shoot me a Private Message if you have other questions or ever want to go over ideas! I'm always around ... the chain from my ankle to my workbench isn't that long. :D Thanks again for making my day guys!!!

Hmmmmm I wonder if powder coating a whole C-Body is possible ???? :icon_scratch:

Like a 69 Sport Fury Vert :eek:ops: :shruggy:
Hmmmmm I wonder if powder coating a whole C-Body is possible ???? :icon_scratch:

Like a 69 Sport Fury Vert :eek:ops: :shruggy:

To start with you would need a big enough oven to get the car in.
Bodywork would need to be done with special fillers, needs to be conductive.

So yes, it can be done.

To start with you would need a big enough oven to get the car in.
Bodywork would need to be done with special fillers, needs to be conductive.

So yes, it can be done.


I somehow do not think the cost involved would ever be worth it or feasible for the average Joe,,,, :urkidding: