Phoenix Special Coatings

A fellow that does metal for us has an oven big enough but I cant imagine it coming close to the quality of that valve cover
Hmmmmm I wonder if powder coating a whole C-Body is possible ???? :icon_scratch:

Like a 69 Sport Fury Vert :eek:ops: :shruggy:

As Alan said, it IS possible and quite a few automakers nowadays including BMW are using a similar process, e-coat, for their chassis. The problem with powder coating a whole car aside from the "no Bondo" rule is that EVERYTHING that could not withstand 500 degrees would have to be removed first, including all the plastic, rubber, seals, isometrics, etc.

Oh vdk, I neglected to tell you earlier that a whole bunch of my customers have their new parts and internet scores shipped here to my shop directly to save on transport expenses. Please just make sure your seller / manufacturer puts your name on it somewhere, and an advance email or phone call is also appreciated so I know to expect its arrival. That way everything can be coordinated so it'll be finished and ready when you are, or when you can plan a trip to the United States to get it.

Thanks again for all the wonderful comments! :D Ya all sure know how to start a girl's weekend off nicely. < curtsey >
I haven't checked in here for awhile -- lots going on the last couple of years around the house with Billy's elderly Alzheimer's-stricken mother moving in -- but life is getting back on track finally.

I've been updating my website as time permits (not yet published since there's still two years' worth of work and feedback to add) and the shop's FaceBook Fan Page has exploded with over 2350 loyal fans now! :D Here's a few highlights from the last few months, some for FBBO members ...

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Despite never formally advertising beyond Word of Mouth and random motorheads who happen to find my site through term searches, this Spring saw a record of 32 jobs in line but I'm happy to report that the backlog is clearing and the turn around time isn't nearly as long as it used to be.

Gentlemen, it truly IS an honor being on board here. The caliber of membership is extraordinary and I always enjoy working with you all. Thanks for letting me be a part of it for the last few years. :D

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Yard Erosion and Greg Reynolds MPs with Stefs Tranny Pan 068 - Copy.jpg

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