Photos of Vintage Auto Dealerships, Repair Shops, and Gas Stations

1961 Cooper Car factory. Cooper Car Company - Wikipedia


This caught my attention because it's local and about a block away from where I went to high school.

1913 Mercer is really the subject with everything else just background, but still some cool signage. It's a fugly parking garage now.




If we go back to post #124, I think this gas station I posted there would be around the corner to where the Syracuse Garage was. I also think those buildings above were already gone when this pic was taken, presumably in the late 50's. It's part of that parking garage now.

Ann Arbor mi, Huron at Division, 1940.

Funny the stuff we recognize.

I was in school there in the late 70's, got my hoopty worked on here back then as it was just a 15 minute walk from my campus dorm.

my kids there in mid 2000's -- they had better cars.

2019. Was still a Firestone.

source: Ann Arbor in the 1940s

Might be gone/something else now as fast as U of M campus is growing. its prime real estate.

next time i'm in town i'm gonna swing by.

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