Polara Wagon - Very nice

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Matt's Imp is what I call patina.........and it looks great.

Fresh paint on Matt's Imp.....would make it a stunner!

Hard decision to make....

This wagon would have to go to Chris' shop for at least a year to fix the "patina".
It is a hard decision but my Imp is going to stay just the way it is until my other cars are done. Until then it will get just what it needs to keep it a driver.
It is a hard decision but my Imp is going to stay just the way it is until my other cars are done. Until then it will get just what it needs to keep it a driver.

sounds great to me.
They only have original paint once

As we all know our other cars will never be done completely, so the Imperial will stay the way I like it best anyways. :)
This winter the vert is getting the attention and I will hopefully get my RR back with fresh paint. It'll take me some time to put that one together probably right through the next winter into 2016. Once that one is finished I can get started on the R/T so that'll get me to 2020 or so. We'll see how the paint is holding up at that point...
I like original as well as anyone, but there is a point of no return. (Once original paint is faded off it will never be original paint again). The Admiral has reached that point and gone beyond, so, I'm shopping around for someone to respray the outside panels. All the jambs are fine so no need to go there.
I'll strip all but the glass from the body and turn it over to someone to prep & spray while I upgrade the trim.
It's amazing how a trick set of wheels can make a car look cool. ..

I like the car BTW :)
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