Power Brake Booster

I stick built a 50'X28' addition to the original 20'X35' single door two stall when we lived in Austin, Tx. GAWD I miss that playpen! Went from 10 toyz to 4 toyz and 4 stalls in two buildingz in one fell swoop when we moved north in '99. TALK ABOUT WITHDRAWALS, OH THE PAIN.

I couldn't imagine. I stick built a 30x48 at my house in 2007. We have been house shopping lately, and every house my wife's falls in love with has a two car garage....not happening. Most of my cars are at our big shop on the edge of town, but a two car won't cut it at the house. I need room to work on stuff.
but a two car won't cut it at the house. I need room to work on stuff.
This is all I was allowed. It works and gives me the excuse "If I had the room..."

I stick built a 50'X28' addition to the original 20'X35' single door two stall when we lived in Austin, Tx. GAWD I miss that playpen! Went from 10 toyz to 4 toyz and 4 stalls in two buildingz in one fell swoop when we moved north in '99. TALK ABOUT WITHDRAWALS, OH THE PAIN.

I'd have withdrawals just moving out of Tx. I can't imagine how it must feel to give on on one toy much less 6.
Boys! I think you need to put your foot down and say, "Honey were going out to look for a new...garage". Of course you will be laughed at or have something heavy thrown at you.
The key is to have already amassed the collection and the place to keep them before finding the right women or man in Marian's case.
I have always said the garage has to be bigger than the house mine is 28x60 also have a 30x30 for the wife and the house is 32x42
Cat, Older doesn't mean squat with "down sizing" I'm payin' ah buck ten ah month just to keep the Batwagon far away from my current project and possible screw ups in the 28'X32" 'cuz I don't wanna do the bang bang, tink tink and color 'n clear on that beast again. Now I'm gonna paint ah verbal picture for yeah if yeah don't mind. When I had 10 toyz I waz like ah two headed chicken with ah pecker on each side of one big eye between 'um tryin to pick up corn with one or some timez both of them peckerz, and like that double headed yard bird I waz starvin' tah death and not accomplishin' nothin'! And today with just ah couple toyz I know that the lite at the end of the tunnel isn't ah freight train and **** happens an getz done when it's 'spost to. I don't worry 'bout 10 different batteryz and 10 different set of wheelz 'cuz I've finally figgered out that my butt only fits one chair at ah time and I ain't Jay Leno, Jer....But I still miss that damn 6 stall Playpen and not sure why
LOL, double headed yard bird. I wasn't talking so much about cars, I still ride RZR's, four wheelers and snowmobiles. They take up almost as much room.