
Did you get into the vault? The movie Gold Finger has always been a favorite.

I was on a detail in 1983 as an observer for an inventory. It was one of the strangest operations I ever was a part of. I got called in at 4 am and wasn't told a thing until we were being escorted into the Gold Depository. We just observed Government Civilians counting (documenting) the gold. I was stationed at Ft Knox at that time and I was assigned to the Armor School Brigade as the TR NCO. I reported directly to the CG of the Armor School which at that time was a 2 star by the name of Major General Dozier. He was the American General that was captured in Italy by the Red Brigade terrorists and held for 42 days until Special Forced rescued him. See the link I posted. Anyways.... I was in charge of all the assets of the Armor School and the 194th Armored Brigade. My mission was to assign combat troops, tanks, trucks, equipment, firing ranges, classrooms, etc. to support 14 major training operations from AIT (Advanced Individual Training) for new soldiers to be tankers and also mechanics. I also was completely in charge of GOPU (General Officer Pre-assignment Update). That course is 100% electives for every General before they take command of a new assignment to get them up to date on the armor, tanks, tactics, operations, secure communications, etc.

James L. Dozier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I see you are in Louisville...I loved being assigned at Ft. Knox. I loved Radcliffe, Elizabethtown and all the surrounding area's. I actually lived in Vine Grove and got married there the first time. I went back there one time about 20 years ago. It was very exciting for an old soldier to go back and visit. Stayed at the Guest House on post and was woken by M1's rolling by at O-dark thirty!!! I never tire of the military experience.....never will! I currently live in Aberdeen which borders the Proving Ground. My windows rattle all the time from tank and artillery fire from the Proving Ground. You can hear tanks, artillery and machine gun fire on my deck. Friends and family visiting will ask what that noise is......I proudly tell them "That Is The Sound Of Freedom"!!!
I see you are in Louisville...I loved being assigned at Ft. Knox. I loved Radcliffe, Elizabethtown and all the surrounding area's. I actually lived in Vine Grove and got married there the first time. I went back there one time about 20 years ago. It was very exciting for an old soldier to go back and visit. Stayed at the Guest House on post and was woken by M1's rolling by at O-dark thirty!!! I never tire of the military experience.....never will! I currently live in Aberdeen which borders the Proving Ground. My windows rattle all the time from tank and artillery fire from the Proving Ground. You can hear tanks, artillery and machine gun fire on my deck. Friends and family visiting will ask what that noise is......I proudly tell them "That Is The Sound Of Freedom"!!!

What was your rank when you retired?
That's really cool Bob. My Dad was stationed there back in the 60's & did his basic. As a kid, we would go visit the tank museum. Back in the early 70's, most of the tanks were still open & not welded shut. Even the British WW1 tank. Later on I got to deliver Firestone tires over to your base. That was always fun.
That's really cool Bob. My Dad was stationed there back in the 60's & did his basic. As a kid, we would go visit the tank museum. Back in the early 70's, most of the tanks were still open & not welded shut. Even the British WW1 tank. Later on I got to deliver Firestone tires over to your base. That was always fun.

Very cool!

I can't wait to retire for good so I can travel around the country like Will & Ellie!
Somebody in Raleigh is a MILLIONAIRE. They just announced on the radio the part of town & store where the ticket was bought. And no it is not me.
Turns out to be 6 coworkers pooled their money & bought tickets. So no Millionairs. I guess after taxes they will get about 100 grand each
During my Powerball day dreams and after the Bada Bing was built.......

I would be the only person on the planet that would have a 1978 NYB ProMod!

With 4 functional doors! LOL!
I always did like you best
