Price Check + Questions + A Photo


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Conglomeration post:

1. What would be the current approximate going rate for a presmog 225, 318, and A518 Auto w/OD?

2. What would be the proper tire size for a 1973 Fury III? 215/75 or 225/75?

3. Anything special I need to know when buying a battery for the same vehicle?

4. An old photo I found of me at 3 inspecting the damage to Mom's '60 Fury III 318/Auto.

60 Fury.jpg

5. And lastly... Me and Dad took the Fury out yesterday for the spring, fixed the front hubcaps so they'd stay on, took her through the wash, and parked her in a corner down at the Monday night show at Quaker Steak. There weren't many guys there, but it was fun. The best was watching some guy in a hopped up Mustang II make a big to-do about revving his engine all over the place and then proceed to stall three times while trying to leave the parking lot. *facepalm*

60 Fury.jpg
My Dad seems pretty set that the proper tires are 215/75 based on the circumference.

I also went through and bent my hubcaps prongs out so they don't fall off anymore. Wooh! :stickdance:
Great picture!
Keep your eye on the local Craigslist for the engine and trans, I can't imagine you'll have to pay more then 3 or 400 for the combo. You may even find the pair in running condition for that much you just never know. As far as the battery is concerned go to a decent parts store and they'll be able to tell you what you need.
Bob tell him how much he can save if he buys it online from Advance and then goes and picks it up in store.
That green cap mopar battery is tempting, but we have 4 cars that need batteries right now, so "on sale" is king.
I get it, I do! I have had one of their batteries in my convertible for 7 years and all is good. I have put one in my 71 and my dad has now gotten the bug and put them in his older cars. They will usually sell you one at a show for $189.00, no taxes or shipping

My Dad seems pretty set that the proper tires are 215/75 based on the circumference.

I also went through and bent my hubcaps prongs out so they don't fall off anymore. :stickdance:Wooh!

He's right about the tire size.... 215 is the equivlant to a 710x78. The optional 800x78 equate to 225's
Losing wheelcovers on old cars upgraded to radial tires is common. I recheck mine every time i wash the car.
The radials put more sideload on the steel rims then the old bias tires did and causes them to "flex". Compare your original 60 wheel with a modern steel wheel designed for use with radials.
