Quest for 70' model year grill

Doesn't it look good in that pic? That is a lovely shot. Not sure where the horse is going to fit, though... :icon_cool:

I know this story... The guy in the hat just traded some magic beans to the kid for the horse, and the kid's Mom is going to slap him upside the head and make him ride in the trunk of the Jolly Green Giant Chrysler.


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What is that vertical thing? Paint, a solid filler area, something in the background... I have never seen that before.

You got it, just a thin vertical solid "strip" of material. I still have to install the new bright work trim around the right side, then its complete.

Thanks! Yeah, I think it looks a whole lot better. I didn't like the two solid horizontal strips the 71' grill had. Just did not look "harmonious" of you will.:sideways tongue:

Most people wouldn't know the difference. You did... and I know it bothered you every day until you replaced it with the right one.