WANTED radio reverberator for 65 sport fury


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Feb 23, 2025
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Fargo, ND
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Hi all
I am looking for a reverberator for my 65 sport fury, or perhaps someone can direct me to a repair shop where mine can be repaired.
Thanks in advance
Some years ago I had a NOS one in my hand at Carlisle. Think the price was around $100. I was trying to get my buddy to buy it for his 65 Sport Fury.......
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I think I have one on the shelf but untested. Maybe I’ll see if I can bench test it.
Here it is, unfortunately I would have to actually wire it in to a car to see if it worked and I can’t spend that kind of time on it.
If you want to take a chance on it I would sell for $25 + shipping.

Hi all
I am looking for a reverberator for my 65 sport fury, or perhaps someone can direct me to a repair shop where mine can be repaired.
Thanks in advance
FWIW, I found the problem with mine to be the dash switch. The switch is a jumble of wires with a small multi-pole slide switch. With mine, the slide switch is worn and dirty. I got it to work by spraying some electronic cleaner into it. If I decide to use it, I need to replace the switch, but you could try this pretty easily.

It looks like a common switch. It's a cheesy way of doing it, but it's the way they did it. Spray into the opening where the black knob is and try it. I use CRC electronic spray. Don't use brake cleaner or WD-40 or anything besides electronic cleaner.

I have a SAMS repair guide that I can make a copy of if that helps you if you find someone to repair it.

Reverb Switch.jpg