
furyus 67

Senior Member
Feb 11, 2015
Reaction score
Flint Michigan
I'm just curious if any of you fine Mopar aficionados might know why IN GODS NAME DID THEY HAVE TO PUT ONE OFFSET BOLTHOLE ON THE CRANK PULLY? Taking of the mother$&@n under drive PULLY to put on a stock one that is a 3 groove so I've gotta be a f$&@ yoga master to contort my arms to thread the bolts all while not seeing a god$&@" thing has caused me to have a mild tantrum not to mention the cat like scratches from knuckle to elbow!!!! I would feel better if there was an actual engineered, mechanical purpose to it or if it was just too many f@&kn fingers in the pot when it was designed! Thanks for reading, I'm going back to working on my AWSOME MOPAR!!!
The same reason one of the two bolts for the thermostat is too close to the A/C compressor bracket and you end up having to take off the damn compressor to change the thermostat.
I'm sure the fact that I'm again attempting to quit my 25+yr pack of reds a day habit has nothing to do with it!. But seriously what possible reason could they have for wanting the PULLY to only go on one way!
There..... I feel better!!! Ever heard of a car driving you to drink??

Your car Seems to hate you, Nothing ever wants to go easy with Her You still got to love her though lol.
It's been awhile since you've posted anything about your 67 fury...
Yea I am pretty Secretive lol No I just been doing a lot of cleaning in my garages and moving Stuff around Getting Organized. I appreciate your Thoughts though.
Your car Seems to hate you, Nothing ever wants to go easy with Her You still got to love her though lol.
Sometimes I think so! But honestly coming from an insanely interchangeable,catalog building GM background, then DSM's for 5/6 yrs and then Jeeps for 7 yrs after that, I'm praying it's just a learning curve! I started this with zero Mopar knowledge. Started with an engine that was never in a car, completely rebuilt(1st full of engine build) no idea what it took to shove big block in a small block car, the Mopar way, sometimes I think I'm doing ok. Had it not been for likes of Jason,Matt,Stan,Tom,Tom,Glenn,Gary,Dave,Bob,John,Jerry,Paul,Bob,Alan,Patrick,Dave and everyone else that helped in spite of my personality flaws , I'm sure it would be going a lot slower!! So thanks to everyone!!....oh yea Zach too!:)
It's been awhile since you've posted anything about your 67 fury...
Well Jason, funds have gotten a bit tight so the ability to buy my way out of a predicament has shrunk. Besides that, I haven't done a whole lot to it! I'll keep everyone posted as the upgrades come. The only things left take a bit cheese to accomplish. Re-do interior in all black, mobsteel wheels and airbags! Now of which are cheap.
That wasn't directed at you my friend. I was asking Zach....

Well Jason, funds have gotten a bit tight so the ability to buy my way out of a predicament has shrunk. Besides that, I haven't done a whole lot to it! I'll keep everyone posted as the upgrades come. The only things left take a bit cheese to accomplish. Re-do interior in all black, mobsteel wheels and airbags! Now of which are cheap.
Chrysler high engineering at play, rather than mass produced close enough is good enough GM or Ford.
Sometimes I think so! But honestly coming from an insanely interchangeable,catalog building GM background, then DSM's for 5/6 yrs and then Jeeps for 7 yrs after that, I'm praying it's just a learning curve! I started this with zero Mopar knowledge. Started with an engine that was never in a car, completely rebuilt(1st full of engine build) no idea what it took to shove big block in a small block car, the Mopar way, sometimes I think I'm doing ok. Had it not been for likes of Jason,Matt,Stan,Tom,Tom,Glenn,Gary,Dave,Bob,John,Jerry,Paul,Bob,Alan,Patrick,Dave and everyone else that helped in spite of my personality flaws , I'm sure it would be going a lot slower!! So thanks to everyone!!....oh yea Zach too!:)
Dam you don't Forget names lol.
Dam you don't Forget names lol.
I don't forget who's helped me! Regardless of the size of the contribution! Zack I haven't gotten a lot of technical knowledge from ya but your interest in what I'm doing is a kind of "moral support" that has helped me continue to post on my build! So thanks lil buddy!!!:)
Anyway you could pull that bad boy back off of there and measure the bolt pattern? I need it for a future project.. :)