Well, "big" may not be the best word, but it will result in marginal cylinder pressures at low RPM, so it will kinda "want" a looser convertor and higher numerical rear-end gear. And its certainly a better pick than one of the MP single-pattern grinds like a .484 or .509. A more modern grind can have a better effect without going to an "RV" grind, but in all honesty a truck/RV grind is a very proven way to get usable power out of low compression. They built them that way for a reason- truck/industrial 413 engines in dump trucks or the old Harverstr 345 engines in school busses spend their lives putting out, on average, a lot more power than a 440 Magnum or Hemi in a Roadrunner. But they do it with low compression for longevity and by sacrificing a whole lot of *peak* horsepower to make the high sustained average less abusive on the engine. A high-compression engine makes huge power in short bursts, a low-compression engine can make large power continuously. In a lot of ways, that can make for a very fun-to-drive C-body, but it won't be a track star.