Removing rear glass panel.


Active Member
Nov 17, 2017
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So the side rear window doesn't go down very easy and I really do see very many bolts to remove this? Now I know there's the handle which should have 2 bolts and the bracket I'm sure another 2 and remove the window crank but do I need to remove the rear seat?


Most of the time yes, you will need the extra space to get the side panel out. Probably a good idea anyway so you do not get grease or other nastys on your seats. Remove the arm rest, window crank and all mounting screws. There are usually some white plastic grommets on the lead edge of the side panel, take care not to pull them thru the cardboard on the back of the panel. Most of the time, cleaning the window tracks and applying some grease to the crank assembly will cure the problem.

I agree with taking the seat out, which is simple enough, you may even find a build sheet. I would suggest that while you have the panel off you should replace that shredded windlace. You can buy it by the yard.
Lower seat cushion is removed by pushing back hard on one side or other of the seat cushion just ahead of the corner radius, while pushing back, grab hold of the lower edge of the seat and pull it forward and upward, that should disengage the lock. Repeat for the other side of the rear cushion. The upper cushion is held in place by two bolts at the bottom corners of the cushion, remove the bolts and lift the cushion straight up to remove the cushion.
