Carsten - I had soooo much fun at that Nationals show. I still have a refrigerator magnet and a license plate from the '89 event. That was my very first car show in Europe, and I drove my '85 Dodge D150 short bed pickup. I ended up joining an American car club that was based in Dortmond, called Club Lola. My wife and I were the only Americans in the club! We went to one of the very first American car shows in what was then East Germany; specifically Magdeberg, in 1990. There were over 900 American cars and trucks there, from everywhere from Sweden, the UK, and even Russia and Ukraine. And again, we were the only Americans there! I'll have to write a little blurb about that particular trip - keep in mind, this was after the Berlin Wall fell, and travel restrictions for American service personnel had been relaxed. Damn, that was a fun four days!