If you decide to move into an exclusive area where the cheapest home prices start around $1M and average around $10M (California numbers in this case - adjust accordingly for where you live) and decide to do automotive work, even on your own cars, in your driveway, you are asking for trouble I don't care where you live. If you enjoy cars then move into a neighborhood where most of the residents are workers in the trades rather than the wealthy.
I did the latter where I bought two pieces of property next to each other in order to have almost an acre of land. Then I built 2 big garages way in the back where from the street, one looks like just a 4 car garage and one of them can't be seen at all. I do all my work back there (and there is a big wall around half of my property except for my my front yard and the neighbor next door to me on the East side because he is a bike guy and works on his cars too, so no issues and his single lot is more than an acre. Just don't ever do something stupid to cause the neighbors to complain and be aware that doesn't take a lot sometimes.
Keep to yourself regarding your car work and make sure the neighbors in your neighborhood like you and I do make an effort to know most of them around me pretty well and offer to help out when needed with anything they need and most of all keep my yard in front of my house immaculate and manicured so the neighbors like me being there. We all know each other and look out for each other, and I really like that. It is also a very quiet area with no crime virtually ever.
Then you should be fine, even here in Southern California.
Most of these laws like cited for Sacramento County are for the losers who don't know how to behave in a responsible way and the counties have laws on the books that they can impose when jerks don't know how to behave.
I live in a middle class neighborhood with older houses rather than in the wealthy suburbs not far from me that live pretty high up on the mountainside where they have panoramic views of the whole basin in new, immaculate and the very expensive houses. The wealthy folks don't have a lot to do except to look at their neighbors places and complain if the yard looks even slightly neglected and seem to be really nosey and unfriendly. I like the middle class neighborhoods where most of the folks there work with their hands for a living and understand the satisfaction from being able to do things yourself and have a hobby so they don't complain in general about someone working on cars.
There are a huge number of car guys in California and most of them do work in their garages and don't have a lot of problems out here. If things did start to get out of hand with enforcement, SEMA (Specialty Equipment Market Association) would go after cities that get too brutal because there are a lot of car related businesses out here too that would not like to see their sales drop due to out of control enforcement, and SEMA also has a lot of legislative clout. So while Sacramento County seems to have some goofy regulations that are poorly written for sure, I doubt there is a lot to worry about unless you are just stupid.
Lots of folks have their perceptions about California but as one who actually lives here as has for some 71 years now out of my nearly 74 years on this planet, there is no other place I would rather live. We have quiet streets, great neighbors, virtually no crime and a climate and scenery that no one beats in the U.S. imo - and a lot of sensible people.
Most of the comments about California that I read on this site just are not true, but then folks these days only believe something is true if they want it to be, even if it isn't.