Saddest example of the B-Imps I have ever seen

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Old Man with a Hat
Mar 10, 2011
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Sebring, Florida
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I'll spend the extra two grand...


Then there's the truly insane & delusional...


Or just blow the whole wad on the real thing!!!

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If I was going to get into those Imperials...I'd buy them both and have a parts car.
Except that's not a B Imp. It's based on the J-body Mirada and Cordoba. But I agree it is a sad sight.

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1981-1983 body codes

This Imperial was a J-body, the same as the Cordoba and Mirada, but the carline was Y, standing for Imperial in the VIN (Y was used instead of I because an I can be confused with a 1). Gil Cunningham of the Chrysler 300 Club wrote that “As far back as October 5, 1978 the Y carline was included in the J body area of the [internal Chrysler] Model Chart. The name Imperial was added sometime between January 25 and September 10, 1980.”
The 1981 service manual confused the issue somewhat by listing the Y as a separate body from the J (Mirada-X, Cordoba-S). If the service manual was correct, the Y-line Imperial was given a Y-body designation in 1981-83. Also see The Imperialist (Dave Duricy's site) and:

I liked them too, it's a shame they weren't more popular.
I like em' too. I don't know much about the 80's Imp but from what I understand the first few cars had fuel injection system and it never worked correctly and later models were switched back to carbs?
An 81-83 Imp keeps buzzing around the back of my head. Can't predict the future but perhaps if the right one came along....
From 1981-1983, a total of 17,000 were made. They were the most expensive standard production car made in the U.S. in 1981.
They are unique and big outside. There doesnt appear to be that much room inside with the luxury interior
Its also an Imperial, I expect more

Names mean nothing. There was an Imperial K-car, too. Nobody expected anything out of any K-car except for the tranny to self destruct one week after the warranty was up.

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Names mean nothing. There was an Imperial K-car, too. Nobody expected anything out of any K-car

Not true, they named it Imperial because of the Imperial nameplate , the name sells cars. It sold on Imperials reputation of the past.
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