Salute to Our Truckers!

Thru' the winter of '56-'57 I waz hauling heavy war equipment between 29 Palms and Camp Pendleton and I was still 17 YO at the time, and continued to do it for almost 2 more yearz. How does that fit in with class A requirements? lol I had my Honorable Discharge and High School Diploma 2 months after I turned 19. The 1st job interview I went on, the interviewer called me a F**in' lire after I'd showed him proof of what I was saying. I laughed at him and said thanks for your stupidity, I don't work for A** H***s, you don't pay enough and walked out and he was still spitting an sputtering when I gave him the one finger wave. Jer

, I don't work for A** H***s, you don't pay enough and walked out and he was still spitting an sputtering when I gave him the one finger wave
Ahhh! The good old days.
8 am, tell the dispatcher to stick that load up their ***.
8:30am quit that job go down the road, piss in a cup and be out the door by noon with another company to go load.
2 weeks later that same dispatcher is calling your wife trying to get ahold of you, leaving messages to call, they offer more percentage, and you go back.
Now it will take you 2 weeks to switch a lease.
Thanks for the recognition Bob, but like Dave said no prizes for doing your job.
Getting a Class A CDL is a joke. Keeping your nose clean and staying off, the law, the govt and John Q public's radar is the hard part. Following the regulations and rules is damn near impossible, and probably less safe than your own self preservation actions.
It's the same sentiment I hear everywhere, "this job used to be fun", t"took all the fun out of it", "I love this job"
It seems nobody has a good outlook on it anymore.

One of the guys that use to work for me at the Army Test Center quit and bought his own tractor trailer. He hauls specific government loads from Aberdeen Proving Ground to Yuma Proving Ground and is happy as hell and making great money. I never asked what he was hauling but I'm pretty sure his loads can go boom!