Say HELLO to CL23G66195870!


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2022
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
Well it took me 3 months to find, and a little bit of persuading of Mrs. darth_linux to agree to it, but I have finally gotten another '66 Newport.

I'm dubbing it the "S.S. Anderson" as it was sold new in March of 1966 to a "M. M. Anderson," from Philadelphia, PA. (I have the certicard)

This car has some pedigree, for better or worse, for it was for sale on Gateway Classic Motors in 2019 in Milwaukee, WI. Video here:

It was sold from there to some one in North Carolina, and then sold in 2020 on eBay to a gentleman on Whidbey Island WA, whom I just purchased it from this weekend. I'm in Spokane, WA.

If you happen to know any history of this car, please chime in, thanks!
Nice car, great color combo. Funny that it sounds like a farm tractor idling out the tailpipe in the video
It struck me funny knowing it’s a 383. Mine has always had that distinct Mopar big block luh, luh, luh sound even with the blown out stock muffler.
Hello and welcome CL23G66195870 from C453263150 and PH23L1D123134!

Congratulations. It looks like you have found a good home and a nice new family who will take good care of you...